<p>I need 5 people to estimate what you think the value of 8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1 is.</p>
<p>i would estimate it is 10x20x20x10=40000</p>
<p>it's 8 factorial on your calculator</p>
<p>8 x 14 x 18 x 20=
160 x 256 (16 x 16)=
16 x 2560=
16 is close to 15...
half of 2560 is 1280, so
2560 X 1.5 is 1280+2560 which is 3840, times 10 is 38400.
38400 + 2560 is 40960.
I think I made a mistake somewhere, and to think, I still used my calculator...I'm sure this isnt the way you should do this...shoulda took a math class this year :(</p>
<p>lemme start from the end</p>
<p>8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1 </p>
<p>I am gona appoximate
40000 and some</p>
<p>is this a joke? 8! 8 factorial, use the distibutive.... the last math class i took was algebra 2 in 11th grade and i'm pretty sure it's just 8 factorial....</p>
<p>I didn't know we could use a calculator...he just said estimate so I thought he wanted to see how we would work it out fast.</p>
<p>LOL. I just needed data for my Stats class. You guys don't need to worry about it anymore, but thanks for your support!</p>