I was invited to apply for the honors program at a college I want to go to. I have to write an essay for it. Minimum 500 words. The prompt is “List three books that you would recommend to other first year students. Explain how one of these books informed or affected you in a significant way, and why you think it would be worthwhile for other students entering college to read.” I’ve heard multiple times never to use first person"I" in an essay because it sounds too personal, but since the prompt is so personal would it be ok this time? A friend of mine told me to use “One” instead would that be a better option? My only worry is that’ll sound too pretentious. Any help would be much appreciated!
In this case, I think using I is perfectly acceptable since the prompt asks about “you.” Definitely don’t use "One that sounds a bit awkward and impersonal.
Thank you I agree. I think I works the best. I just wanted a second opinion because I’ve so often heard I is never good in essays
oh definitely make it personal! Sometimes the rules we’re given in school for writing, while well intended, can be stifling. Did you ever read the “world’s best college essay”? It was all “I” statements. “I’m an expert in stucco”. Here’s a link to the essay-- http://paws.kettering.edu//~jhuggins/humor/essay.html
I think almost all college essays need to be personal. Most of the questions are meant for them to get to know you better. I think almost all the essays both of my kids wrote had “I” in them.
Definitely go with first person. Using one may be applicable to other essays where it may be better to not insert yourself into the essay, but this is a personal statement talking about your favorite books not someone else’s