<p>lol! you guys are all gonna laugh... but I don't drink. I never have (<em>gasp!</em>) and it's not looking likely in the near future, mostly because I'm trying to be ultra-healthy right now (i started doing it for track, but now it's like a lifestyle... i haven't had junk food or candy in a year and a half). I don't have a problem with other people drinking, just so long as they aren't forcing me. So here's what i'm wondering:
Is drinking the main activity?
I can go to parties and have fun and stuff and still not drink... right?
Will people be okay with the fact that i don't drink? Will they think i'm weird?
Will I feel out of place?</p>
<p>lol! i know you guys probably all think i'm really weird right now... I swear i'm not, i like to have fun and stuff, but this is just a choice that i've made. go ahead and laugh, i'm giving you full permission ;)</p>
<p>It's not that weird. I think you have a pretty healthy attitude about it, instead of some people who are like "ahh drinking is so wrong." You don't need to drink to have fun or fit in. I'm not sure how things play out, but in eating clubs the tap room is on a different floor (the basement usually) so that's supposed to be the drinking part. Of course alcohol will travel, but you can separate yourself from it. </p>
<p>You can always hold a bottle of something in your hand and PRETEND you're drinking :p</p>
<p>It's funny, but it's also true. I have a good friend who drinks moderately, but when she goes to big parties she just nurses one bottle of beer. She holds it in her hand so that nobody bugs her about not drinking or offers her stuff, but she doesn't drink that much because she doesn't want to embarrass herself/get date raped, etc. etc. It's actually a pretty effective trick :p</p>
<p>ooh same here koala. I think most colleges have a big drinking culture, so one thing I asked the students/alumni association was about <em>pressure</em> to drink. According to them, perfectly fine either way; if you want to drink, there's drink (I think one person said it wasn't very good beer...?), but if you don't want to, plenty of Sprite and juice etc.</p>
<p>i don't plan to drink:), and aren't there around 400 subfree people? So, I assume they don't drink excessively. I think this number may be high, but a rising 07er estimated 20% of the students don't drink.</p>
<p>wow... thanks for the responses everybody! It's nice to know that this shouldn't be a problem, and even nicer to know that i'm not the only one. lol, notfadeaway- yeah we're definitely throwing a water drinking party if we get in, cuz water's just awesome. :) lately i've also been obsessively drinking pineapple juice... yum!</p>
<p>Don't feel weird about not drinking b/c most people will still accept you and respect your limitations. Anyway most people I know accept the fact that I don't drink.</p>
<p>Hey, I am a guy, I am POLISH and I never had alcohol and don't expect to have any in near future... so if it's not a problem for me it really shouldn't be for anyone.</p>
<p>lol, ThePolishDude! And Sozo, I'm glad to hear it hasn't been a problem for you.</p>
<p>Zante, Phil, and notfadeaway: dark chocolate is still on my list of unhealthy things! yeah, yeah, i know it's got antioxidants, but if i start eating it, then MAN, i am NEVER gonna stop! ...and that would be pretty unhealthy. :p</p>