<p>Hey guys, so we only have two things to take care of, right? If im understanding this correctly, the housing fees that we send by check over to that one address and then the bill posted on mybill.ucdavis.edu.</p>
<p>Are those the only two bills well have to be worrying about? I want to make sure Im not missing anything.</p>
<p>i have the tuition/"registration" fee (two thousand something), and then the health insurance ($224 i think), and the housing (just the quarter fee now). that's all.</p>
<p>^^Hmmm, Im not sure. On the housing payment form that I got in the mail it said there were only two ways to pay: calling, or sending in a check. And so I thought housing was sent separate from tuition.</p>
<p>Im with Emily, I have the same bills as her except for the SHIP..</p>
<p>On my mybill it posts the housing charges, as well as the tuition fees all rolled into one fee. Then it has the financial aid amount that I get for the quarter. Then it subtracts the fin. aid from the total fee and has an amount at the bottom. Problem is, I don't know who to pay. HAHA. I'll find out.</p>
<p>^ yeah, mine is like that too. i'm guessing the mailing address is:</p>
<p>University of California, Davis
PO Box 989062
West Sacramento, CA 95798</p>
You may pay by electronic check or Discover Card on-line. Those persons wishing to pay by paper check or outside scholarship may send payments, identified by writing the student's ID number on the check, to:</p>
<p>University of California, Davis
PO Box 989062
West Sacramento, CA 95798</p>
<p>^from the mybill site.</p>
<p>dont forget the deadlines! sep. 22 and oct. 1!</p>
<p>^Thanks. Do you know which remittance slip you're going to use? I don't know if I should use the one from the housing packet or the one from the mybill site. I'm leaning towards the one at the mybill site because its a more general one as opposed to the housing one that has HOUSING written all over it.</p>
<p>by the way, varun, the SHIP thing is probably added into the tuition/registration fees, so you might not see it. you could look at the statements under "ebills" and then look for a little drop down menu that has two things, "8/18/2005" and "9/02/2005."</p>
<p>^I used to until housing payments came in. I think it means that for right now, your Fin aid is more than what they're billing you. But wait until you have to buy books.</p>
<p>The latest billing statement should have a due date on the page. For mine, it says Oct. 10th, because my fin. aid took care of the payments due on the 22nd and I just need to pay the remaining of the housing, which is due on the 10th. Check the latest billing statement and see what the due date is. I believe its halfway down on the right hand side.</p>