Quick Question about Deadlines

<p>Hello, I was planning on asking this question to the admissions office, but I figured I might as well ask here.</p>

<p>I understand that it is past deadline to receive notification by January 15th. However, I scored slightly (and only slightly) higher on a recent ACT score that I just got back and I was wondering if it would delay a decision if I were to submit it right now. I already had an ACT score (31 composite) submitted so I don't know if submitting a new ACT score will lead them to reevaluate my entire app, thus delaying the decision either way.</p>

<p>My new ACT score is also a 31, but the math is much higher while the reading fell off because I came back late from the 10-minute break. The writing score is also two points higher. I'm an intended Genetics major. I don't know if any of this is significant enough for me to send in the new score.</p>

<p>I had a "chance me" thread a while back and people said I had a pretty good shot. So, obviously, I don't want to delay a possible acceptance. </p>

<p>I <em>do</em> need to know if I should send the score soon though, because I need to send my scores to other schools.</p>


<p>My D called the admissions office a week ago with this very question. She was told to go ahead and send it. If her application hadn’t already been reviewed when it arrived, the new score would be considered. If it had been reviewed and a decision was already made, then it wouldn’t. Obviously it would be considered if she was postponed. Since she only got her application in on 10/31, they thought the October ACT would most likely get there before her app was reviewed.</p>

<p>So, you’re saying that if they’ve already said yes then they won’t go back and look it at, but that if they haven’t, then it would mean a later notification?</p>

<p>No. If they haven’t looked at your application yet, they’ll consider the new score and you’ll still be notified with the priority period applicants. You’re still considered to have had a complete application in by the priority deadline. If they haven’t picked up your application yet, it won’t take them any longer to review just because there’s a new score there.</p>

<p>Oh, so basically I should just send in the score, right?</p>

<p>I would. Even though they don’t superscore, they will notice the higher math and writing scores. I think the worst that happens is you spend $10 and it doesn’t get there in time for them to review it. I believe you applied much earlier than my D, so your application is likely to be reviewed earlier.</p>