Quick Question about Recommendations

<p>I know Yale requires two teacher recommendations and a counselor recommendations (please correct me if I'm wrong).</p>

<p>We don't have my counselors at my school, but our counselors write our "counselor recommendations." I'm planning on asking my English teacher to write my rec next year, but I also want her as my college counselor.</p>

<p>So my question: Can your teacher who writes your teacher rec also be your counselor who writes your counselor rec?</p>

<p>Prompt response are EXTREMELY appreciated because I'm selecting college counselors tomorrow. Thanks!</p>

<p>What? Don’t they have a guidance counselor at your school??? </p>

<p>I’m sure they want different people… and plus, it’ll raise a few eyebrows if the 2nd recommender and the counselor are the same person… Not to mention the stress it will put on the English teacher writing your rec. </p>

<p>Um… how about your principal? Or some administrator figure that had at least some involvement with you over the high school years?</p>

<p>It would be completely pointless if your the same person wrote two of your recommendations; colleges want to see different people’s perspectives on you. </p>

<p>If they really don’t have any counselors at your school, I would either contact Yale and ask them what to do or do what Gryffon suggested and ask an administrator figure to write you a rec.</p>

<p>But definitely don’t have your English teacher write two.</p>