quick question about the second common app essay.

<p>The second common app essay limits you to 1,000 characters. Does this 1000 character limit include or exclude spaces?</p>

<p>It includes spaces. Before you submit, make sure to save and preview your response (to make sure that nothing is cut off)</p>

<p>are you 100% sure? Iā€™m getting mixed answers from friends and family.</p>

<p>It does include spaces.</p>

<p>[I&lt;/a&gt; need help determining the word limit for the short answer essay](<a href=ā€œhttp://s3.parature.com/link/portal/5494/5524/Article/87/I-need-help-determining-the-word-limit-for-the-short-answer-essay]Iā€>http://s3.parature.com/link/portal/5494/5524/Article/87/I-need-help-determining-the-word-limit-for-the-short-answer-essay)</p>

<p>found the link explaining the short essay. the 1000 character limit does include spaces.</p>

<p>thanks for responding, guys, appreciate it!</p>