Quick question about UCDavis TAG

My major is civil engineering, I summited the UCDavis tag on nov30 and i meet all the requirement for the Tag, but
i want to drop a history class this quarter because i don’t like the professor grading policy. This class is not part of my prerequisite class but it is a UC transferable class. I wrote this class on the Tag. The last date to drop “a class with no record of grade” in my college is on oct 4(tomorrow).

Q: If i drop the class " with no record of grade", will it affect my tag ? If not, should i report this change to UcDavis as soon as possible?

Thank you

No it won’t affect it. Just note the change in the nov application.

However just make sure you have at least 12 semester units for fall because Davis TAG wants you to be a full-time student both this fall and upcoming spring. If you’re under 12 units, you need a good explanation.

@lindyk8 Oh man, I think I missed wherever it stated that Davis TAG wants full-time students. Did it say that on the TAG website? What if IGETC and unit requirements will be completed without needing to be full-time this fall and next spring? I only needed to take 10 units this semester to be done.

Davis is the only TAG with that rule. They say they let it pass only if there is a viable reason (a determination at their sole discretion). Otherwise, both semesters need to be full-time.

See section called “who is eligible”:

Just out of curiosity @polemic, did you submit it in your advisor’s office? He didn’t tell you this? Also, did you get your advisor to send an approval in for the TAG? Davis requires advisor recommendation or you might not get the TAG.

@lindyk8 I didn’t consult an advisor or counselor when submitting TAG, which now seems to have been a huge mistake.

@polemic Someone I know last year got their Davis TAG denied and I was never quite sure the reason - I don’t think he ever asked. But he had submitted it himself and said everything else supposedly met requirements. So it seems like that was the reason, but there could have been something else. You will get rolled over to regular admission if something goes south. What is your GPA and major?

UPDATE: I just saw you’re a 3.9, so a lack of TAG shouldn’t hurt you.
You might still be able to have him submit the approval. It boils down to the advisor saying you’re a good candidate for Davis. It’s kind of a pointless requirement. I think you can probably still do it. Set up an appt.

@lindyk8 I’ll definitely set up an appointment next week to see if there’s still a chance. Thank you for the info, it’s really helpful.

I went to my school and asked if a counselor had to submit the TAG for me, and they said that the TAG goes through the school after you submit it yourself, they approve it, and the UC Davis officials look at it. You don’t absolutely have to have a counselor sit down and submit the TAG for you first.

Ah thanks @boxandwhiskers. I was always wondering how that worked. And the matrix says the deadline is Oct 15. So I guess the CCC has the obligation to meet it by that deadline. (I wondered what happens if they don’t?)

@lindyk8 I don’t know! It’s kind of scary, because I don’t see how that would work well at all/seems like a bad plan.

I know there’s also a UC Davis advisor for every different area in California. They might go through that person after the CCC counselors, or maybe it’s just to her. I got an email from someone that is the Assistant Director at UC Davis who services just the Bay Area, introducing herself. She might go over everyones TAG that’s sent from the bay area colleges and approves them before sending them through to UC Davis.

There’s one other UC that requires it, I forget which one. Irvine supposedly sometimes requires it, based on something or another. The whole thing sounds like just another pointless layer of beauracracy.