Quick Question About Walking Times

<p>How long would it take to walk from Etcheverry (right next to Soda) to Lewis (next to pimentel & greek theatre)? Less than 10 minutes or more than 15?</p>

<p>5-10 minutes.</p>

<p>Don't know the answer to your question...I would just like to welcome you back :cool:</p>

<p>Thanks pookdogg. If another person could confirm I'd appreciate it.</p>

<p>Cardinal: I just needed to know before I started Telebears II tomorrow. I'm off now :)</p>

<p>i'd say closer to 5. that's not bad at all except for the fact that there's a small uphill part.</p>

<p>hey how about from pimental to dwinelle, im thinking of buying a bike.</p>

<p>That's doable there isn't any uphill parts.</p>