Quick question- Ap Spanish or Ap Stat

<p>Has anyone taken Ap Spanish language or AP statistics?
any advice?
I'm taking a bunch more- would stat be easier
I want to take one of them and have to choose

<p>I'm taking Spanish and self studying for Stat. I would say that Stat is much easier.</p>

<p>spanish all depends on if you're good at spanish or not. if you are good at spanish then spanish will be easier. if math is more your subject, stat will definitely be easier.</p>

yea im goin for ap bio, ap gov/eco, ap lit, and i guess ap stat
wth math at the university at buffalo
you think that is too much? I might just take regular english or regular gov
I have to decide by friday lol</p>

<p>oh gosh. you have fun with AP Bio.</p>

<p>AP bio is like heaven on Earth compared to AP Spanish.
AP Spanish is destroying my life.
Pick Stats.</p>

AP bio is like heaven on Earth compared to AP Spanish. Pick Stats.


**DEFINITELY **not representative. ;)</p>


<p>alright yea i think im going to go with stats then.
and hopefully il have fun with bio?

<p>You will not have fun with bio -- unless your idea of fun is slow death. Good luck with all of that.</p>

<p>currently, im taking both AP stat and AP spanish and yeah spanish is killing me (im not a native speaker, but if u r a native speaker u might wanna consider that)...im like math so stat is really easy!! i would recommend stat instead of spanish</p>

<p>AP stats is usually very easy compared to AP spanish.</p>

<p>lol...I'm taking AP Spanish and AP Stats this year. Ugghhhhh I have both exams on the same day. I'm probably going to fail the spanish and hopefully pass witha 4/5 on Stats.</p>

<p>yup someguy1337, taking 2 exams on the same day can be really challenging...im in the same boat as you. im not going to try THAT hard on spanish cuz if i do try hard then i'll be really tired to take the stat test and i really want to pass the stat w/ a 4/5 (just like u!)</p>

<p>What's so bad about AP Bio? Is it just a ton of work? I'm taking it next year...</p>