<p>If I do a major in Stern to get a BS and a major in CAS to get a BA (major considered BA on its own), does that mean I'll have two degrees when I graduate?</p>
<p>yes that will get you a dual degree. As long as you are not doing a “double major” but you are doing a “dual degree”. talk to your advisor to make sure you receive 2 degrees for the two separate majors.</p>
<p>What’s the difference between double majoring and doing a “dual degree”?</p>
<p>dual degree = two degrees in a shorter amount of time. the Steven’s 3+2 program or a 7 year med program at another school comes to mind</p>
<p>double major = an undergraduate who enrolls in two bachelor programs, fulfilling the degree requirements of EACH major. </p>
<p>dual degree might be 60 credits in the major, double major is 180, or something like that.</p>
<p>a dual degree might be two majors who “go together” like economics and politics or an undergrad degree and med school, etc. </p>
<p>a double major could be in ANYTHING, like, say. . . dance and communications. whatever.</p>
<p>So one who majors in economics and international relations/ studies, or economics and political science should consider a dual degree?</p>
<p>Well, I don’t know how answerable this is, but how possible/hard is it to major in 1) economics and 2) finance in Stern? I think they have many of the same core requirements and econ requires like 4 extra classes, dunno about finance. I think I read somewhere that it’s not that hard but I don’t know anything about that.</p>