<p>I'm submitting the online app to UNC and I was wondering if the deadline was the 15th or 18th. The admissions office says they are accepting applications postmarked up until the 18th (obviously for mail) but does the 18th also apply for the online deadline? I'm asking this because I'm currently editing one of my short essays and if it is in fact due on the 15th (tomorrow) then i'll have ot haul ass and submit the app tonite. Thanks!</p>
<p>they did the same thing for EA because of all the internet traffic on the site. for that, the 3rd was the deadline for everything, not just paper apps.</p>
<p>I would go ahead and submit the application. Since UNC has not specifically extended the online deadline to 1-18 (that I know of), I wouldn't take any chances. It would also be smart to submit the application as fast as you can to avoid the internet traffic that jf215 mentioned.</p>