Quick Question Regarding Honors Section of CommonApp

<p>Would it be inappropriate to put down on my Common App honors section that my Junior Engineering Technical Society/National Engineering Design Challenge team made it to the Semi-Finals?</p>

<p>I know that you are supposed to put down individual honors down there, but I'm not sure about team things like that.</p>

<p>Thanks for all your help,

<p>I would put it in a resume, if you are adding one. Otherwise it seems to fit better under ECs, but space for ECs was limited for me. If you can word it to fit under awards, I would definately do so (I just cant think of wording though…!)</p>

<p>Thanks for the help ATLs.</p>

<p>I put it in as “Semi-Finalist- JETS/National Engineering Design Challenge (Part of a Team)”</p>