quick question

<p>Guys, I just realized that scea decisions are about to come out and i know i have a really strong app (2380, 11 aps, officer of 4 clubs, eagle scout captain) but i dont have any sports. I am very athletic but i just dont play any sports in school. do i have any chance at all?</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>2 of my S classmates last yr, who both did not play any hs sports, got in REA. although 1 of them - who got in all ivies & now goes to harvard - is not human:)</p>

<p>also, there’s an IB hs (we call it ivy-factory hs) close to where my S went to hs, who had some 13 students who made it to stanford last yr. several (or most) of them did not play hs sports.</p>

<p>Adcoms want to make diverse classes, so they don’t only want athletes.</p>