Quick Question

<p>Ok so I have a bit of a dilemma. I plan on being an investment banker out of college and realize that I need to go to a top-notch school. I am currently an african-american sophomore in highschool with a 4.0 uw and a 4.16 w. I just took the PSAT and expect to do well because I am very good at standardized testing. The thing I'm worried about in the college admissions is that I am only in Geometry (because I didn't have my head on strait in middle school) and will be on track to take Pre-Calc my senior year. How will this affect my chances on getting into a top school? What can I do about this? Should I load up on electives the rest of the year and then double up on math next year? Any help would be greatly appreciated!</p>

You will easily get into Madison with your stats, calc or no calc. Take AP or honors courses and double up on different sciences if you enjoy them.</p>