Quick question


<p>I have heard some great things about Haverford as far as the sciences go. But does Haverford have good history, political science, international relations programs, etc., as compared to other top liberal arts schools?</p>

<p>Poli sci and history are excellent across the top LACs and are pretty “bread and butter” expectations… </p>

<p>Political Science: One thing though to note about PS at HC is that, given its location, HC can get ### speakers to come to campus to enhance the academic experience throughout the year. For example, last week, Janet Reno and Madeline Albright came to speak at HC and BMC and this week, it appears that Michelle Obama will be at HC. Academically, HC is excellent in PS, made even stronger with BMC and its location. Also, you will be learning PS on a campus with a tradition of activism and political involvement given its history as a Quaker institution.
For example, Haverford</a> College News Room
Poli</a> Sci/Hist 233: Guatemala</p>

<p>I don’t believe there is a “formal” major for IR, opportunities seem to be spread throughout different departments (poli sci, econ, history, religion, anthro, ect… and even biology too where there is a class on public health and tropical diseases for non-bio majors…). Haverford</a> College News Room</p>

<p>There is also a Peace and Conflicts studies major you should check out. Haverford</a> College</p>

<p>… and the CPGC
Center</a> for Peace and Global Citizenship | Haverford College
about 40-50 funded internships (mostly international) a year</p>

<p>Thanks, looks like good stuff.</p>

<p>Appreciate the info.</p>

<p>Digging</a> for Truth: The Haverford Visit</p>