Quick Question

<p>If your parents aren't together anymore, do you still list them both when colleges ask you to list your parents/guardians? </p>

<p>I haven't seen my dad since I was three and I rarely talk to him, so he doesn't really qualify as a guardian.</p>

<p>I think you’re supposed to list them both. I haven’t seen my dad in six or seven years, four or five when I first applied, and I listed all the info I knew. If you don’t know something, leave it blank. If you don’t really know anything about him, click the unknown check box. Maybe explain your circumstance in the additional information or send a letter, especially if you’re applying to schools that want the CSS noncustodial profile for financial aid. If however, you’re mother is remarried, scratch all that and just put your stepfather.</p>

<p>Ok, thanks :slight_smile: I’ll just put very basic info (like name and the city he lives in).</p>