Quick question

<p>Is there a huge difference in chances for someone applying ED 2 versus regular decision?</p>


<p>I should also add that if I wait, my first semester senior grades will be in, and they are much better than my junior year grades. I'm taking tough classes this year.</p>

<p>No expert here, but my guess in the current economic crunch is that schools are going to look quite favorably on the EDs.</p>

<p>Not sure about what you meant about waiting.......that your senior grades won't be on your transcript in time for ED2? Does your school give midterm grades, or can a counsellor vouch for you that your marks are way up?</p>

<p>07DAD, hope you will chime in here.</p>

<p>Also, if you post your question at this site I think you will get some experienced input:
[url=<a href="http://admissionsadvice.mywowbb.com/%5DAdmissionsAdvice.com%5B/url"&gt;http://admissionsadvice.mywowbb.com/]AdmissionsAdvice.com[/url&lt;/a&gt;]&lt;/p>

<p>My S is a freshman and I believe that last year's RD admission rate was 17% and the ED rate was close to 40%. Good luck.</p>

<p>My S is a soph at CC who applied and was accepted EA.</p>

<p>This is not scientific, but I get the idea that the economy (etc) is pushing many schools to want to make sure they fill their slots thereby driving ED and EA. I think ED2 (which I guess locks you in if accepted) would have a better chance statistically and as a matter of the "new economy." </p>

<p>HOWEVER, if your more recent grades show a much better profile and you have a concern in that area, RD gives you a decent chance. </p>

<p>I know of one person in my S's year who got off the waitlist 2 days before "the end" of the CC admissions process by calling admissions and expressing continued interest. </p>

<p>BTY--that student has loved CC and has thrived beyond belief</p>

<p>There is a huge difference between early and regular admissions rate at CC. How bad are your junior year grades? What are your test scores? Are you applying for financial aid?</p>