quick question,

<p>I might be completely stupid, i don't really care, but would Economics fall into any of these categories?
Social Sciences: 38%
Biology: 12%
History: 9%
Psychology: 8%
English: 6%
Physical Sciences: 6%
Mathematics: 5%
It's from collegeboard, saying what are the most popular majors at Harvard. Thank you</p>

<p>wow. i am so stupid. better question, how many people apply to Economics at Harvard? As in, how popular is it?</p>

<p>Just to be clear, Econ is social sciences.</p>

<p>It’s also the largest concentration at Harvard (with Government second, I believe). I have no idea how that compares to intended major breakdowns from applications though.</p>

<p>All in all, I wouldn’t stress about this part of the application. If you have a clear strength (i.e. Math super-genius, classics scholar, etc), it may help to put that as your intended major… or if you write an essay about how you dream of studying “blah” at Harvard - I’d try to be consistent. But, almost everyone ends up changing their mind at some point, so I can’t see the admissions office paying much heed.</p>

<p>just<em>forget</em>me’s advice is great. I would note that exact information on the number of people in the Economics concentration can be found at :</p>

<p>[FAS</a> Handbook for Students: Chapter 3: Fields of Concentration](<a href=“http://webdocs.registrar.fas.harvard.edu/ugrad_handbook/current/chapter3/economics.html]FAS”>http://webdocs.registrar.fas.harvard.edu/ugrad_handbook/current/chapter3/economics.html)</p>

<p>As of the end of 2007, 769 students (out of all sophomores, juniors, and seniors) were concentrating in Economics. In case you were wondering, here’s the breakdown of the five most popular fields:</p>

<p>Economics: 769
Government: 495
Social Studies: 312
Psychology: 292
History: 220</p>

<p>so if i were to apply to try to get into Econ, it’d be the hardest program to be addmited to?</p>

<p>Not at all. Harvard don’t admit students to “programs,” and one doesn’t apply to a concentration when one applies to the college. They ask you to suggest what you might concentrate in to get an idea of what you’re interested in studying. It’s not in any way binding, and it’s not a different process for different concentrations. I would recommend against strategizing too much about your concentration suggestions, since it’s not binding. Indeed, I suspect most applicants worry about it more than they should.</p>

<p>Note: There are a few concentrations, called honors-only concentrations, for which you do apply in your sophomore year at Harvard. These include History and Literature and Social Studies. You do NOT apply for these when you apply to Harvard, only once you’re there and in your sophomore year. Most people who apply to a concentration are accepted.</p>

<p>oh okay. i wasn’t planning on strategizing, just fyi. Whether or not i will even apply to Harvard is still a huge question. I don’t think i have the SAT do get in.</p>

<p>Well you’ve got 2 days. And yeah, don’t try to play a game. This kid from my school applied Yale SCEA as a prospective engineering major to try to make himself more appealing, but was rejected anyway.</p>

<p>i’m a junior. :slight_smile: i’ve got a year. haha</p>