<p>Ahh, that class. Yeah, that's an easy one. I don't know, I just wouldn't recommend AT ALL 19 credits first semester. 17 is even pushing it. But that's just me, I guess anyone could try 19 credits and either sink or float their own boat. Bad way to start college if they sink, though...</p>
<p>Is anyone here familiar with the Freshman Seminar course required for the WING program? We were told it has a nice amount of paper writing prep. in it. Is that true? Also, anyone with experience in the Honors English? Could you describe and how does it compare to regular Freshman English. Daughter was offered option to either take H. Eng. or skip first semester of Freshman English and start with second. Any thoughts on that?</p>
<p>And a computer question. If we bought a Sony, which I know is serviced at VT store, are we still eligible for the VT software security pack and can we order that before she arrives at the school?</p>
<p>And one more - how cold does it get before Thanksgiving in Blacksburg? </p>
<p>Can't answer the first question. My roommate did honors english and it seemed to be a little more work, but he got to skip a class, so it's probably worth it.</p>
<p>Software security pack? If you're talking about the VTNet CD they give you yes, it'll work. I don't see why getting a Sony would have any bearing on whether or not the software works or you can get it.</p>
<p>The weather in Blacksburg is insanely variable. It could stay above 60 or it could snow. I'd bring some cold weather clothes if I were your daughter.</p>
<p>Thanks chuy. I appreciate each answer to all my random questions! Here's another. Have you noticed if students in two-person dorm rooms tend to have room for trunks? Is that a typical item to see, even though it wouldn't fit in a closet? She will be in Slusher.</p>
<p>And another computer question - we found out that she cannot be mailed the computer software pack from VT, but will have to get it once she arrives. Are there people available to help set it up or will it be insanely too crowded at that time. Suggestions? Thanks again!</p>
<p>And Hi Septembermom! Where did you say you found that list? We are not packed at all. Good grief. Daughter seems most focussed on making sure she sees every friend in every hour of her free time. I cleared box again and sent a private message. BTW is son bringing a trunk?</p>
<p>"Have you noticed if students in two-person dorm rooms tend to have room for trunks? Is that a typical item to see, even though it wouldn't fit in a closet? She will be in Slusher."</p>
<p>No problem. :) If you're talking about a flat top trunk and don't want to get into it very often you can use one as a TV stand and then you'll have room. Otherwise you'll probably have a bit of a hard time fitting it in... anything's possible though. It really depends on how you lay out the room. How big of a trunk are you talking about?</p>
<p>"And another computer question - we found out that she cannot be mailed the computer software pack from VT, but will have to get it once she arrives. Are there people available to help set it up or will it be insanely too crowded at that time. Suggestions? Thanks again!"</p>
<p>For the first week or so the Torgeson Bridge (connected to the library and Torgeson Hall) is full of VTConnect (or something like that) people to help you set up your software. That's also where you pick it up. They will be a little crowded, but I only had to wait about 15 minutes to get someone to help me.</p>
<p>Weather in B-burg is off the map, all the time. I remember last year being in shorts/tees mid-october, then heavy stuff through the end of october, then a brief warm spell (shorts) beginning of november, then COLLLDDD. Keep in mind 4/16's troubles began with the weather: it was windy and snowing, thus helicopters could not land on the DF to evacuate people. Slight, public, well-known reminder of the grim reality of the weather down there. Definitely leave a few pairs of pants and a long sleeve shirt or two upon drop off, then bring the rest down over fall break. If you wait till Thanksgiving, it will be too late.</p>
<p>As for slusher, she might want to look into stacking plastic drawers from Steralite or whatever it is from Target/BB&B. They'll be easier to organize and move around and put under the bed if possible.</p>
<p>Fun fact about slusher and pritchard: Both are going co-ed this year, apparently. I believe that this means there are only a couple single sex dorms left. Barringer and Vawter are still all guys, Johnson is still all girls, not sure about any others, since I never paid that much attention, but Slusher and Pritchard are two of the biggest dorms on campus so it's sort of a big deal. AJ (split into East and West wings), another of the largest was already co-ed. I know I'm not actually answering a question here but hey, maybe someone was wondering, haha.</p>
<p>Pritchard is co-ed? Ugh...No girl will ever want to live there. They should've made Vawter/Barringer co-ed. And Slusher has always been co-ed, it's just the Tower that is all girls.<br>
Main Eggleston is the other all girls dorm. West Egg is co-ed, East Egg is offices.</p>
<p>Yes, the first few floors will be co-ed at least. It'll be... interesting. I believe it's part of one of the housing programs but I'm not positive. I just know that when I went to apply to be an RA (decided later not to do it) they mentioned that those dorms were turning co-ed. They may have meant slusher tower was going co-ed, since they probably wouldn't have mentioned it if they were just talking about what had already been co-ed.</p>
<p>co-ed co-ed co-ed. There, out of my system now, I think.</p>
<p>Also, they can pry Barringer out of our cold, dead, masculine hands, haha.</p>
<p>i actually was jus gonna ask about pritchard so it's nice to ssee ur posts. I jus got news that im staying in pritchard (im a guy) so it's nice to here it's goin coed. Not that i'll be changin my room assignment or anything but is pritchard a good residence hall or is it one of the residence halls you cringe to hear your goin into?</p>
<p>thanks for the help</p>
<p>Pritchard has been, historically, one of the bad dorms. It's 7 (I think) floors of guys, so you can imagine what the place was like. Since it's co-ed now who knows though.</p>
<p>edit: And don't even try to change assignments. They're over 250 already.</p>
<p>When do you go get your books? Is that something you order before getting to school or do you wait and get them during the first week of classes?</p>
<p>I already ordered mine, but all of mine are books that it was pretty obvious I was going to need. Get whatever books you can used through amazon or half.com or something, don't give the VT bookstore one penny that you don't have to. They overprice horribly there. Throughout my freshman year there was only one book that we never used (the expensive english book only available through VT bookstores that they make the english teachers require...) so I ended up needing them anyway.</p>
<p>I guess what I'm saying is it's up to you, but in general you WILL need math, engineering (for problem sets) and science books, and you'll probably need most other ones.</p>
<p>Need to get cheap furniture for apt., and a tv set. Car doesn't fit much. Ideas, anyone?</p>
<p>craigslist once you get up there, I guess. there won't be as much stuff around but its worth a shot.</p>
<p>Here's a dorm room question. How often do people tend to order carpet? Have you seen a lot of rooms that have it? Also - microwaves. There is a kitchen in Slusher. But do people usually have microwaves in rooms anyway?</p>
<p>Would you suggest getting a TI-89 Titanium/TI-89 for an engineering major? Ill be a freshman next year?</p>
<p>tia3: I'd get carpet. Those tile floors feel so uncomfortable in the winter, plus your room looks less like a jail cell. I'd also get a cheapo microwave, so you don't have to go down to the kitchen when you want a bag of popcorn or some easy mac.</p>
<p>morethanever: er... I have the regular one and I'm not sure what the titanium does that the regular doesn't. At any rate I highly doubt the things that it does would be useful to you, with the exception of more memory. If the prices are close I guess get the Titanium, but if it's a sizable difference just get the regular one. You won't be using the actual graphing functions much in class anyway.</p>
<p>Tia3: carpets are a must. The tile floors get really cold during the winter, and plus, it's nice to have something soft. My roommate and I last year got two smaller ones to fill the room, one darker one for the entry way for muddy feet and a lighter, hawaiian themed one for the back of the room. (**Note: put a carpet or something under the chairs in the rooms. They leave black marks on the floor and they're impossible to get up and we got charged for it)
As for microwave, yes, it's nice to have one, but someone around you usually has one if you don't buy one. Atleast buy a fridge with a seperate freezer. I used my microwave about 3-4 times a week, but I would've died withouta fridge.</p>
<p>Morethanever: I suggest getting an 89, simply because even though you can't use them in most, if not all engineering math classes, they're nice to have in physics and to use to check your work when studying. So, yes, I suggest buying on. Like Chuy, I don't know the difference of the Titanium, but if it has more features you want or is close in price, you might as well.</p>
<p>My daughter has been assigned to Monteith. What do you all think? The obvious drawback is that it's far from everything. The 1st 2 floors house cadets.</p>