<p>Yeah, you probably won't be able to find that anywhere else. It's a book written by VT for VT.</p>
<p>Does anyone know if there is a cable/tv drop in each bedroom in the suites?</p>
<p>That's an excellent question. I believe that they do, but I can't say for sure. If you email one of the residential life people from vt.edu they'll be able to tell you for sure.</p>
<p>Sorry about the fridge disappointment, Septembermom. I learned my lesson from you though - s wanted a particular tv and I checked store availability online. I found it at only one store (they had 3 instock) and called to ask them to hold one for him. When he got there, it was the last one left. </p>
<p>FWIW, we missed out on the fridge as well. They'll come back around, no big deal.</p>
<p>I'm a big music fan, as most of the people on the campus might be (I'm coming to tech this fall as a freshman by the way). Do you typically have problems with the noise/vibrations, are the walls flimsy or thin is probably a better question.</p>
<p>Another thing I noted on the campus site was the "No Mug" policy... ha? I'm not sure what they mean by that, other than people can't have coffee mugs. I hope I'm somehow misinterpreting this. And speaking of coffee, do people get their fix at the local/campus shops or in the dorms? And of course, there should be no problem with bringing a coffee machine right (Coffee carafe/espresso combo)?</p>
<p>As for the food, do people usually eat at the shops? I plan on eating there of course, I have to brag to my buddies about the food. I do like cooking though, and I know this is a little more economical so any feed back regarding that would be great.
Great site by the way, before i found this i was getting ready to by a book through college *******... this works much better.</p>
<p>You can't listen to music loudly in the dorms. Your RA will warn you and if you ignore them he can write you up and you can get into trouble. The "No Mug" policy, if you're talking about what I think you're talking about, isn't something you have to worry about. It is a licensing thing, and unless you plan on making beer mugs with the VT logo on them you're fine. The other "No Mug" policy is that you can't bring your own cups or mugs to the dining halls to drink out of.</p>
<p>Theres a coffee shop on campus called deets and several (in my opinion better) ones right off of campus. I don't know if you're allowed to use a coffee maker in the dorms. I would guess no but you can bring a coffee maker and use it in the kitchen.</p>
<p>Yeah, most people eat in the dining halls. We have kitchens but it's hit or miss as to whether you'll be near one with your dorm room or not.</p>
<p>I'd like to keep a mental note of those coffee houses. As you might be able to tell I like coffee, so any recommendations would be great. I am kind of iffy on sharing my coffee machine, maybe I'll get myself a cheap small one instead. This is probably because of where I live and my perception of students in the area (El Cajon in San Diego).</p>
<p>I don't planon making VT beer mugs... never been too into beer anyway.</p>
<p>One more question for now. Have you heard of swap tree(dot)com? Dunno if it's reliable and worth looking into or not.</p>
<p>Do you know anything about how highly regarded the chemistry department is? My major is currently chemical engineering but i might switch to chemistry later on and I was wondering if it was worth it to pay out of state tuition for chemistry.</p>
<p>Maurice: You wouldn't necessarily have to share it, you'd just have to carry it to and from the kitchen every day you wanted to make coffee. Blue Ridge (I think is the name) is a little bit off campus and is really good, and the Daily Grind is right off campus and I've heard it's good. There's another place at the Alumni Mall but I think the other two are better.</p>
<p>Never heard of swaptree.</p>
<p>Bumping this thread, it has a lot of good answers to a lot of questions in it.</p>
<p>I know that there is to be no open flames in the dorms, but in the residence hall is there any way that I can cook, or boil water (I don't want to boil water in the microwave)? If it changes anything, I will be staying in the Cadet housing.</p>
<p>I also have a question about the beds, I know that they are extra long twins, and I've been told that the standard sheets fit, but I've been told the opposite as well, can I just get the regular sheets?</p>
<p>And the last question, how do you guys do laundry around there? Is there one at the college, or a local one in Blacksburg?</p>
<p>Most if not all dorms have kitchens in them somewhere, generally one to every three floors. Failing that, you can get a hotpot for very little money that'll boil water quickly, but they're not really allowed in the dorms so you'll have to hide it. </p>
<p>I used the extra long twin sheets and they fit just fine. Regular twin would probably fit but not fit under the bed, but a lot of places should have the right size so why risk it.</p>
<p>For stuff that doesn't need drycleaned there are laundry machines in each dorm. I would assume that's true for the cadet dorms as well. For stuff that needs drycleaned there are a couple places in blacksburg, one in particular that a LOT of cadet people go to that is close by.</p>
<p>edit: I looked at the website (Student</a> Programs - Virginia Tech - Virtual Tour) and none of the dorms mention having laundry rooms in them. I suppose since you'll be going down to do your dry cleaning anyway that isn't a major inconvienience but still a bit annoying. None of the dorms have free laundry; it's about $2.75 for a load including washing and drying. If you have a friend at another dorm with a laundry room you could have them let you in the building to do it there. Also not all of them have kitchens, so time to invest in a hotpot and some subterfuge. The reason the cadet dorms are so crappy is that they're some of the oldest on campus, and were built before anyone expected that kind of stuff. I mean, Rasche was originally built in 1894. It's been reinnovated but still, that's old.</p>
<p>Im going to VT this fall as a cadet too. I called them about the sheet thing and they said that its just a way for them to make money. They said all regular sized sheets fit fine.</p>
<p>That's all good to know, but I'm a little surprised about the hot pot, it is in the item list that Tech supplied us telling us what we need for our dorm... I guess that doesn't necessarily mean dorm room. Well atleast I know now, I was expecting a small kitchen on each floor, but.....</p>
<p>Now can you explain the idea of a friend with a laudry room? Some people pay and some don't, or certain dorms are free laundry, that doesn't make sense to me.</p>
<p>Also, for us incoming freshman, what are some things everyone seems to forget when they move in? It might have been a while since you were a freshman, but some insight on this will be helpful.</p>
<p>Everyone pays for laundry, it's just I'm not sure that your dorm will even have a laundry room. It may, but I'm not sure if the cadet dorms do. If they don't you'll either have to go offcampus or to another dorm on campus, and you'll have to pay about the same either way.</p>
<p>I was a freshman 2 years ago so it hasn't been THAT long. Make sure you bring a couple surge strips, basic stuff like soap, shampoo, etc, a vacuum if you have a carpet, shoes to shower in... the list that they give you is pretty good. If you forget anything you can go to walmart or kroger and get it.</p>
<p>hey guys, as you can see im a uva fan but I am going to tech this coming fall bc i did not get out of the waitlist.. anyways as of now i am in university studies. but i want to do business/accounting so can i change majors? and will i be in pamplin automatically or do i have to do something for that? i am also asking about what classes i should take for my major (business). and does anyone know which housing students get? i really want suites but is there a way i can secure that? i signed the housing contracts months ago. ive taken ap calc and ap stats this year and was wondering what math classes i should take. oh and lastly pc or mac? thanks for any advice, i look forward to hearing them!</p>
<p>For most of your questions you'll want to talk to your advisor. If you dig around here: Undergraduate</a> Programs | Virginia Tech a bit you might be able to find what classes you'll need, but to get transferred into Pamplin you'll have to talk to your adviser. You'll probably be stuck in crappy housing since you're a freshman; I don't know when exactly you find out but they'll give you an email with your roommate and dorm. AJ and Pritchard are the two bad ones, Barringer, Newman, Vawter (and several others) are the ok ones, New Res, Payne and one or two others are the nice suite style ones. You probably won't be getting the suites though. You're about a year or two too early; they're building a ton of new dorms that are going to be really nice. You'll have to look at the business requirements to see what classes to take but in general you'll probably be taking Calc II and either Vector Geometry or Linear Algerbra. Check with Pamplin as far as PC/MAC goes, some schools require one or the other, while others don't care.</p>
<p>Bumping again.</p>
<p>Is Cochrane air conditioned? It looks like the room dimensions are a bit smaller, but ....the beds are longer (84")....?</p>
<p>I don't think it's air conditioned but the reason the rooms are smaller is beacuse they're suite style. That means there'll be 3 or 4 main rooms connected to a "living room" type area. They're really nice. Also, Cochrane is connected to West End, which is the best dining hall. Right across the street from the good gym too.</p>