<p>My school allows you to put one class as a pass/fail class if you wish to do so. I was thinking of using my pass/fail for either AP Euro or AP Physics. Would it look bad if I did this? I'm already taking a bunch of other AP classes. Here is my logic in making the class pass/fail:</p>
<li>both of these classes have deflationary policy so no matter what my GPA would go down</li>
<li>both involve a lot of work so I would not have time to focus on writing college essays... if I do pass/fail I could still get the educational quality of the class without worrying about the grade</li>
<p>Please reply!! I have to decide this today. Thanks!</p>
<p>The plural of anecdotal evidence is not data…
but I will say my son got admitted ED to Northwestern with a Pass/Fail in AP Spanish. He applied to McCormick - the NUEngineering college, so that might be useful to know.</p>
<p>He did not take an AP English course his senior year - but got a 5 on the AP English Comp as a Jr. He figured nobody cares in Engineering.
MIT might also be ok with what you proposed, but really, you have to call them and ask them what THEY think. You could always be anonymous or “calling for a good friend”…</p>
<p>Lol MIT should be okay with it ^…^ Freshman do it for their first semester. Haha.</p>
<p>But on a serious note, I’d go with fail/pass on AP Euro since Physics is a science… And well, you got the point :p</p>
<p>Well the thing is if I already have a social studies and a science course as of now, so whichever I choose to do pass/fail on is just an additional course. I REALLY like the AP Euro teacher because he’s the best teacher I’ve ever had in my entire schooling career, but I think AP Physics is more beneficial to what I actually want to do… However, the AP Physics teacher is known for not teaching at all and simply giving killer tests. Any advice?</p>