QUICK SAT2 MATH 2 Questions

<p>1) the number of roots a polynomial has can be determined by the highest degree?
i.e. x^3+2x-1 has a total of 3 roots (imaginary and/or real)?
2) have there been questions abt the rational root test?</p>


<p>(for q1) in otherwords: for an nth degree polynomial, are there “n” roots?</p>

<p>I’m a bit confused by what you’re asking, but I’ll try to answer your questions.

  1. Yes. The degree of the polynomial = the number of roots. These roots can be real numbers, double roots (though not in the 3rd power), or imaginary roots (in conjugate pairs).
  2. I’m not exactly sure what this is, but I assume it will not be necessary because you are able to have your graphing calculator figure out the roots for you. If there would happen to be a question about it, I doubt it would difficult, because the process is pretty simple.</p>

<p>thanks thanks</p>