Quick! Should I change my schedule while there's still time

<p>My MW schedule is sorta bad.</p>

<p>I have:</p>


<p>Fridays I dont have the 410-525 class.</p>

<p>I have until 5 today to add/drop. I can change my history class to one that meets 1020-1110 on MW, and still 1240-130 on Friday. It'd be a little less spread out.</p>

<p>The professor I'd be changing to has a really high rating on pick a prof (but a well below average class GPA, which I acre about more).</p>

<p>At first i was sure Id make the change because of times, but upon further inspection, I think I'll stay where I am. My prof is new, but the one I'd have to switch to has a really low class average GPA. And besides, I can get back tio my dorm at 9:05 as it stands now and nap, whereas I couldnt really with another class at 10. Napping's important since its hard to get 8 hrs a night in a dorm.</p>

<p>So yeah. I think I'll stay, but Im just curious if you think its a mistake. Are 850, 130, and 525 way too spread out of end times for classes?</p>

<p>YES. ugh, i'd hate waking up at 8. damn, 8, haha. we're not in HS anymore, so there's no use in waking up early for school. and i don't think "pick a prof" is the best way to make your decision. new prof's usually suck at teaching and therefore their students have below average GPA's. </p>

Napping's important since its hard to get 8 hrs a night in a dorm.


um, if you change to 1020, that an etra TWO hours of sleep. trust me, i took a class on sleep and dreams and it's much more important to EIGHT hours consecutively, than 6 and then rely on naps throughout the day, which you can't guarantee you'll have or that you'll fall asleep again during that time. and even if you do, you won't have enough time to fall into the deep REM to get more effective sleep.</p>

<p>I must not have been very clerar. My business management class is at 8, and Im not switching out of it. Its the easiest A at A&M. My history class is 1240. It could be 1020 if I switch. But the 8 is there no matter what.</p>

<p>3 classes? wow</p>

<p>Uh, I have t/th classes too. 5 total. I didnt come down here to do 9 hrs.</p>

<p>Vyse was only talking bout MWF, nothing was mentioned about T and Th. I'm sure he or she is taking more than 3 classes, unless he or she is a part-time student</p>

<p>i would be more concerned about that fact that one of your professors is "new." as far as the 8am goes, i have had several, and have one this term as well (much to my dismay). Typically, those sections, I have found, are better because the kids who sign up are there because they pretty much want to take the course, unless it is a mandatory intro class, and the professors tend to cut you a break because it is so early.</p>

<p>I'll roll the dice with the new prof tho. The other one has an average 2.27 GPA in his section in a class with an overall 2.6 average.</p>

<p>oh i thought you meant switch the 8 am one. well, are you gonna eat breakfast before your 8am class? if so, then i suggest moving your other class to 10. if not, then leave it as it is so you can eat after class, i'd be hungry. </p>

<p>and maybe the people in that professors class were idiots. not everyone in the class rates the prof online.</p>

<p>maybe. I dont really wanna enter a class that's already met 3 times tho and has a professor whose average GPA is a lot lower than standard. I think I'll stick it out. My degree only requires 120 hours. Dropping a course this semester wouldnt hurt me at all. If it gets bad, I'll just see which of my 5 classes looks hardest to get an A or B in, and just drop it.</p>

<p>but pick a prof isn't accurate. i've never even heard of that site til you mentioned it. what i'm saying is don't go buy what random students GPA when it doesn't represent the whole.</p>

<p>edit: i just read more of the site and apparently they DO use official university grades and such. hmmm, interesting. my bad. haha.</p>

<p>and why the hell doesn't it have stanford? ugh, this site is lame.</p>

<p>can some one explain what all the digits mean?</p>

thanks a lot</p>

<p>or is that just time? 8:00 to 8:50</p>

<p>^it's the time. haha.</p>