<p>Do majors really matter when the admissions staff considers an applicant for acceptance. For example, does the student that applies in Geology or German Studies have the edge over the student applying in Political Science or Biology assuming both Applicants have high gpas, test scores, and leadership ability? Does the fact that a major has less applicants give students the advantage when applying to them?</p>
<p>Also can UCLA see what majors I am applying in for UCSD, UCI, UC Berkely, etc. or do they only see the major I am applying in for them?</p>
<p>Majors are only considered in the admissions process if the major you apply for is in a college other than the College of Letters and Science (engineering, for example). If you apply for a major in CLS, then it won’t be considered.</p>
<p>And I doubt UCLA will see the majors you pick for other UCs. Even if they have that information, what good would it do for them? It just means more things to look at, something they probably dont want.</p>
<p>But they still need to fill thier Geology Department to a certain number of seats just like they need to fill up thier Biology Department. </p>
<p>Geology has a way less demand, thus a smaller applicant pool. Wouldn’t it then be easier to be accepted for Geology than Biology or do they not care what department gets filled and which doesn’t.</p>
<p>Alright, it just doesnt make sense to me though.</p>
<p>I need to declare a major on my app before I submit it, and before I was thinking of putting Biology. But now that I think about the hundreds of students that are also applying for Bio, and the dearth of students applying for Geology I am probably going to mark geology because the amount of students is way less thus less competition. </p>
<p>You guys say that they don’t care, but why else would the ask for your major? And they need to fill their department. They just cant have 0 Geology majors accepted and 500 bio majors accepted. Does that make sense?</p>
<p>IT DOESNT MATTER OMG. why the hell did you even waste your time to ask if you’re not going to listen to what we tell you?</p>
<p>UCLA themselves say they dont look at major for the college of letters and science. its not hearsay or rumor or what we think. its straight from UCLA.</p>
<p>Dude chill, I’ve seen that link hundreds of times. I was just asking. This is a forum and thats what you do in forums.</p>
<p>I was only wondering because every year at my school there is always that top 5% student who gets rejected when she applies as a Bio major and some random student that no one that would get in who applies as a religous studies major or something. Thats the only reason I was asking.</p>
<p>thats just how the UC admissions works. they look at more than your number stats, and good stats doesnt make you a shoe in nor do “bad” stats automatically preclude you. people with good GPAs and SATs are a dime a dozen, and perhaps that person no one thought would get in had some profound life experiences that makes them much more well rounded than a plain boring 4.0 GPA student.</p>
<p>The thing is, they dont NEED to fill up any department. People will chose a major if they like it, and there will always be enough people in Geology or random Religious Studies that the departments can stay open. But if it’s less popular, they just hire less teachers. Not really a big concern. There’s no such thing as an impacted major at UCLA anymore, so picking Bio as your major won’t lower your chances any more than picking Native American Studies. Besides, you should be relying on your own stats to get in, and not their supposed preferences for certain majors.</p>
<p>“People will chose a major if they like it, and there will always be enough people in Geology or random Religious Studies that the departments can stay open.” </p>
<p>Yeah exactly. But the pool who is applying into these majors aren’t going to be as strong as those applying for Bio and Pre-Med. Thus wouldn’t the pool itself be less competitive? (For example a pool of applicants in the Bio field would probably have students taking much more rigorous courses and a much higher percentage of Sat scores over 2100.)</p>
<p>And yeah I am relying on my stats. They are pretty good, but this college game is unpredictable sometimes. My application is already submitted. I am just trying to see what you think.</p>
<p>you need to get out of your mind that its separated into different applicant pools by major. ALL CL&S majors are considered together in ONE pool and that is why the major has no bearing.</p>
<p>a large number of people come in as undeclared so i guess you better not select that since there is too much competition!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: and what makes sense is that you can freely change majors within the college of l&s so its only smart to select a quota of incoming freshmen for each major just for fun because the more difficult the admissions people make it for themselves, the happier the world is (why do you keep insisting on your nonsensical logic when other people and the university’s policies and common sense are telling you otherwise?)</p>
<p>Please stop injecting your paranoia into what we’ve shown, especially if it’s from a source that comes directly from UCLA!</p>
<p>It is what it is. Any major within the College of Letters and Sciences will be considered equally. Your choice of major will not impact your chances of gaining admission.</p>
<p>That top 5% student who got rejected may have had a worse personal statement than the one who got into Religious Studies. The fact that the girl selected Religious Studies does not make her anymore favored or selected for than the girl who picked Biology; in the end, it’s your SAT/GPA/ECs/essay.</p>
<p>yeah plus do you seriously expect all 500 bio majors to stick to bio? many many many premeds give up their med school dreams after starting college… also do you really believe that the admission people will believe that everyone would stick to their majors? lets not believe that little tricks like applying an “easy” major, get in then switch to bio route would fool anyone… :D</p>