Quick UM question...

<p>So basically a little while ago I received a nice little packet from UM, opened it, and noticed that they had sent me the first half or so of their Admission Application.. Didn't think nothing of it so I just tucked it away with my other college mail...</p>

<p>But now after starting up on the common app I'm beginning to wonder about it... I mean do any of you guys with experience applying to UM know if that means anything?? Do you think they are perhaps interested in me or maybe noticed my interest in them?? I wanna just forget the hassle and do the app online but I'm wondering if I should go ahead and use the app they gave me instead.. The only way I can think of them knowing about me is through the PSAT(taking SAT in oct.) or perhaps through collegeboard.com.. </p>

<p>sorry if its a dumb question.. haha its was just been in the back of my mind botherin' me while I was applying online..</p>

<p>Sending the app is part of UM’s marketing. Reading over the UM app (parts 1&2) will at least give you an idea of what the school values, but all apps are treated equally. See which app format shows you in a better light and use that one. I always think online is preferred as many schools just scan paper apps into their systems when received. Good luck.</p>

<p>My son did the Miami app only because he had already started it and done the essay which was different than the commonapp essay (at least last year). He got in!
I’m sure he would have gotten in with either one!
Best of luck!</p>