Quick! what is a "Hook" I can develop in the next 4 months!

<p>I'm a senior this year, and I want to see what I can do as far as Ivy league admissions are concerned. I'm kinda smart, but nothing impressive. I'm pretty much just white bread. This being the case, my question for you is:</p>

<p>What is something I could do in the next couple months before I apply that would make me desirable to great schools?</p>

<p>Get creative with it. In fact, to quote Beck,</p>

<p>"Get crazy with the cheez-wiz."</p>


<p>You could easily cure cancer in the next 1-2 months if you work hard.</p>

<p>Win the lottery! Then donate all the money to the school of your choice…actually, keep the money and you’ll feel much better if you are rejected :)</p>

<p>Most hooks cannot be created in a short time. In fact, probably all cannot. Minority status, first gen status, and legacy status are determined at birth, while an athletic or art hook takes years to develop.</p>



<p>Ha! I got it! Discover that you are really adopted and are 1/3 hispanic/african/native american</p>

<p>You know that you’ve never looked exactly related to your parents, it’s time you found out why :)<br>
(then you wouldn’t be white bread, you’d be the wheat kind with the little grain kernels in it. It’s much healthier for you, ya know!)</p>

<p>Honestly, I think the best you could do is start up a killer club that you can really pour your time into. Do you have any interests that could be turned into a club?</p>

<p>@ LAXer25</p>

<p>I actually just started a recycling project in my community that is growing to be a pretty big deal. As of last week, I was recycling for half of my neighborhood, and I’m expecting growth for sure. Is that substantial?</p>

<p>I’d think so, especially since its becoming popular in your area. Just be sure to keep up with it during the school year</p>

<p>So do you think a school is looking for hours, or something interesting, or what?</p>

<p>A “hook” is a specific kind of thing, and you won’t be able to develop one in a short amount of time.</p>

<p>My advice is to focus on your school work, do as well as you reasonably can on SAT/ACT, continue your ECs passionately (getting people to recycle sounds cool), and write great essays. But hey, that’s the general formula.</p>

<p>I understand it is highly unlikely. But we can do better than this. I need more creativity here.</p>

<p>I like the guy that had the idea about curing cancer. I think he’s onto something.</p>

<p>If only he had elaborated…</p>

<li>Kill Voldemort.</li>
<li>Find a way to populate other planets.</li>
<li>Teach Miley Cyrus to sing well.</li>

<p>sorry double post!</p>

<p>Voldemort cannot die! He is clearly Harry’s Yin! i wont get too philosophical on that though…</p>

<p>And I would never even allow Miley Cirus to come within 100 yards of me.</p>

<p>Get rid of Justin Bieber = equivalent to getting rid of world hunger.</p>

<p>Do it.</p>

<p>Psh, Justin Bieber could barely feed my family for a week, let alone the entire world…</p>

<p>Build an entire, new biology lab for your dream school with your own two hands while saving a baby kitten for every new wall.</p>

<p>lol sorry i thought you were being serious</p>

<p>But i’m sure kidnapping someone famous would be pretty impressive. How about kidnapping glenn beck and Obama and putting them in a trap of some sort. Make it so that they have to work together or else they will die. Videotape the whole thing. Beck and Obama learn not to hate each other, and BOOM! many of America’s problems solved.</p>

<p>Send that videotape in with you application, and you’re in everywhere.</p>

<p>Would making an invention or a similar feat be considered a hook?</p>

<p>kill Chuck Norris; its the only way…</p>