Quick writing question

<p>Hey guys this question is really stumping me: </p>

<p>(Quick to)A (take advantage)B of Melanie Johnson's (preoccupation in)C the history of the Johnson family, the genealogist proposed investigating (that)D history for a price. </p>

<p>The answer is C </p>

<p>Why? It sounds right to me. What's the grammar rule?</p>

<p>It should be preoccupation about</p>

<p>i think it should be “preoccupation with”…you can be preoccupied with something but you can’t be preoccupied about something.</p>

<p>Hmm. Well I’m assuming that the question is an idiom error?
And thanks for the responses so far!</p>

The correct idiom is “preoccupation with”.</p>

<p>when you see an underlined preposition (on,in,with) and you cannot possibly find an error in the sentance,90% there is an idiom error ;]</p>

<p>this is my favorite SAT question</p>