<p>My fellow cc hs students,</p>
<p>Do any of you possess the 'reserved' personality, or have had it? I am so unwilling to talk voluntarily in or outside of class, and I can't seem to change it. </p>
<p>I think it's because whenever I open my mouth I fear I'll say something stupid. I trace my fear back to when I first came to Canada from Korea; in hopes of overcoming the language barrier I'd raise my hand and tried to answer the teacher's question only to get them wrong. Ever since Grade 2 I've almost never contributed to class discussions willingly. </p>
<p>But as college life drew nearer, I've acknowledged standing out and participating in class is critical. But I can't seem to overcome it. Now, I do not fear of getting the questions wrong but mostly that people will think I am boa****l, or showy -- because that's my impression towards people who participate. I know deep inside they are just making the best out of their education but some people don't know this... and I'm a very self-concious person.</p>
<p>Well, that's my pathetic personal conflict. Does/did anyone suffer from this as well? Any tips from confident, self-assured students?</p>