Quill and Dagger Society.

<p>What is it? Is it hard to get into?</p>

<p>They invite you if you’re baller enough. No one really ever talks or cares about the secret societies.</p>

<p>I saw a group walking and wearing cloaks once. Accordingly I thought they looked pretty lame.</p>

<p>Secret society=lameness =D</p>

<p>Actually, the people who are in them care about them. It is a big honor to be asked, and requires some kind of major leadership or achievement on campus. You get to know a great cross section of outstanding students in your year that you might not know otherwise.</p>

<p>Hmmm…is that sommeething you can put as part of your transcripts? I mean it is a secret society do they want to publicized or put out there like that?</p>

<p>they put their membership on their websites, I think. it’s my understanding that they quietly do a lot of good service to the university but I don’t know for sure.</p>

<p>I don’t know if it’s on the transcript, but it would definitely go on your resume as a senior honorary society. The above comment is correct in that the emphasis is on service. 30 years ago, I think the emphasis was on drinking!</p>