Quit IB after Junior year?

Hi I am planning on becoming a dermatologist (planned after signing up for full IB) and so Im struggling to decide whether or not I should really be doing Full IB…This is because I need excellent scores and recommendations in my 1st college whether it be a prestigious college or not, it doesnt matter for med schl.
This year hasnt been the best year for me. I dont see my old friends (im lonely) based on my schedule and I feel like I would have done better if i had those friends. Also i have a History and Art teacher that are not good at all. So im switching Art (i love doing art outside of schl more) to Anthropology SL (im not completly interested in taking this class).
i used to be a mostly A student but now I have a few C’s. Gpa after softmore year~ 3.7610. I guess Im worried colleges wont see my full potential bc I have always worked really hard in school. I wasnt going to do the full diploma…i was going to do everything but History…but my dad said i might as well do the full thing and so i agreed (unaware of extra IB things like the EE)
Predicted grades:
Math Studies: C
Hoa: C
Tok: A-
Econ&pers finance: A
English: A
French: A
Art HL : A
Biology HL: B
What do u think I should do?
Thanks:) By the way my counselor has always been hopeless so I need to decide soon…I also feel like Full Ib is only good for those who will get A’s/B’s in the diploma… By the way my Dad is completely supportive of me we just were unaware of what full IB really meant.