<p>Hey guys, I spent 7 hours on the CC today reading and reading... now I have to do an all nighter to finish my homework. This is the second time that's happened. I'm not even learning anything about my schools anymore, I've read almost everything that there is to be read about them. I'll be back in the first week of march to share in the excitement, but for the time being, CC is taking to big of a toll on my quality of life which is kind of a scary thought by itself. Hopefully the trolls will be gone when I get back. See everybody soon!</p>
<p>Haha, dude I totally did the same - it’s for your own quality of life, and to be honest, I’m SO glad I took a break to re-gather my previously-possessed steady grasp of the real world, and all that ISN’T HADES.</p>
<p>Anywho, we WILL be seeing you soon, and by the time you come back there won’t be a ■■■■■ in site! (Okay, maybe there will be… <em>sigh</em>)</p>
<p>Plus… March 10th will be on your doorstep!</p>
<p>:( We’ll miss you!!!</p>
<p>I’ll miss your support :'(</p>