
<p>Aside from the percentage of in-state students that W&M must accept, does William and Mary have any limits/quotas to the people they can take from a certain geographic region--specifically from the same high school? If multiple applicants attend the same out-of-state high school, can W&M only accept one? If three students apply from High School X and one is a "stronger" applicant, will the others be rejected simply because they didn't shine as much as their one peer? In short, are out-of-state applicants' admission decisions more affected by how they measure up to the other candidates from their high school, or comparison to all out-of-state applicants?</p>

<p>Aside from ensuring that our undergraduate student body is 65% VA residents and 35% non-Virginia residents, we have no quotas for an area/region/state/high school etc. So if five students apply from the same high school and all five are competitive, we’ll admit all five. If none of the 5 are competitive, we won’t admit any. We do look at you within the context of your high school (how competitive your high school is, what grading scale it uses, does it weight grades, what kinds of courses it offers, etc). This helps us ascertain how well you’re doing within your environment. Other applicants from your high school can also help ascertain that information based on their course schedules, grades, etc.</p>

<p>But we never use quotas. Period!</p>

<p>W&M Admissions,</p>

<p>For in-state applicants, do you impose county limits? For instance, would Fairfax county be limited to say x,xxx acceptances? </p>

<p>Also, within VA do you have favorite or preferred high schools? And for those, do you forecast typical ranges of accepted students? For instance, you love XYZ high school and typically admit between 10-15 students annually…</p>


<p>W&M<em>1983</em>Grad, there are no quotas beyond the 65% in-state, 35% out-of-stat ratio so we have no particular goals/percentages/quotas for particular counties/cities/schools in or out-of-state. We do try to admit students from all parts of the state (makes sense given we’re a public university) but again, there are no specific quotas per region/county of the state.</p>

<p>We also don’t have any special or preferred high schools. We certainly recognize that there are some very competitive high schools in VA (and outside of it) and we certainly take the school environment into account when making decisions but we assume that the high school the student attends is the high school they are supposed to attend and we’d never say to ourselves “why didn’t he/she enroll in this high school instead”.</p>

<p>Hope this answers your question</p>