Harvard’s own data indicates that the top 80 schools constitute about one-third of enrolled freshmen, or about 530. That number is about the same as the number of ALDCs among the enrolled freshmen, which is slightly lower at 30% or ca. 500.
Is it really the case that EVERY single ALDC was a graduate of a top 80 prep or magnet school? Not likely.
BLUF: Going to a top 80 prep school will probably boost the unhooked applicant’s odds by at least 2.5x, probably 4-5x.
Bear with me, here’s the long answer:
Many of those 530 top prep school applicants who were admitted-- extrapolating from the H. data, I’d guess about 40-50%-- were not ALDCs. Maybe a few were URMs or Internationals, so perhaps 40% is accurate, which gives you about 212 unhooked admits from the top 80 prep schools.
So the question becomes, what were the admission odds for
a) academically-superior unhooked kids from the top 80 prep schools
b) academically-superior unhooked kids NOT from the top 80 prep schools?
For a) the top 80 prep schools, we know that there are about 12,000 students in each year’s graduating class from the 80 or so top prep, magnet and other elite high schools. We also know, based on their published SAT data, that about 25-35% of them, and in some cases up to 40%, score 1460 or higher on the SAT. Call it 30% on average, and you get about 3,600 academically-superior POTENTIAL applicants.
How many actually applied to H.? Don’t know, but certainly far less than 100% across these schools. And certainly some, perhaps most, of the LDCs admitted were academically-superior. So maybe the unhooked total potential applicants from these schools is about 3,300 or so.
How many of these academically-superior kids from the top 80 schools applied to Harvard? One-third? One-quarter? Keep in mind, these schools are not just the “feeder” schools in the Boston or NYC area but also Stuyvesant, Harker in San Jose, and other schools around the country. (Just as not every high-achieving kid will apply to Stanford or Yale, many of the non-Boston/NYC kids will not even consider Harvard, for various reasons.)
If one-third applied, then their admission odds would be 212/1,100 or ~19%.
If one-quarter applied, then their admission odds would be 212/825, or ~26%.
Now, we know that, per Harvard’s admissions data there were a total of about 11,000 unhooked ie white or Asian students total in the top three academic deciles. If you subtract from this total ca. 3,000 of our 3,300 top 80 prep school applicants, and maybe a few hundred more for internationals, you get about 7,700 unhooked, academically-superior applicants who were NOT from the top 80 prep schools.
We know that such students constitute about 1 minus 66% hooked - another 12-15% for the non-ALDC/URM/Intl top 80 prep admits = 100% - 66% - 14% = about 20% of the admitted population, or about 400 admits.
400 unhooked non-Top 80 prep admits / 7,700 unhooked non Top-80 prep applicants
= about 5% admit rate.
Note that even if you assume that HALF of all the top 80 prep schools’ academically-superior kids apply to Harvard-- an unlikely assumption outside of the Boston- and NYC-area feeder schools, i believe-- you still come up with 2.5x the admission rate.
That’s a far cry from the 19-26% admit rate range estimated for their unhooked academic peers at the top 80 prep schools.
Again, going to an elite prep school by itself constitutes a major hook, worth about 4-5x the rate for those of similar achievements, also academically-superior, who are also non-ALDC/URM/Intl and who did not go to such schools.