Racial incident at UW frat house

<p>What's the latest on this? Very disturbing.</p>

<p>University</a> Of Wisconsin-Madison Investigating Fraternity After Racial Slur Incident (VIDEO)</p>

<p>At least nobody was killed.</p>

<p>[George</a> Huguely Sentencing Scheduled For Aug. 30 For Yeardley Love’s Murder](<a href=“HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost”>George Huguely Sentencing Scheduled For Aug. 30 For Yeardley Love's Murder | HuffPost Latest News)</p>

<p>Not sure how that relates to the incident at Wisconsin, Barrons. But keep trying!</p>

<p>As far as I know, the frat was suspended until an ‘investigation’ was completed. Haven’t heard anything since.</p>

<p>Because it was another weak attempt to do a drive-by by a drive-by poster who only comes around to do such. It is being handled and if guilty they will be punished. From what I heard the girls walked through the frat’s private backyard area as the brothers were socializing. Did they deserve that treatment–no. Was cutting through a private party impolite–maybe.</p>

<p>Not welcome back nova… This poster only posts when s/he finds something negative about UW. No known reasons to visit this site except perhaps sour grapes historically. </p>

<p>People considering UW. Frats are only important to a small minority of UW students who choose to become involved in Greek life. This incident was newsworthy to the local paper- not at all common and not in keeping with general campus feelings. Don’t blow it out of proportion when thinking about life at UW. Sounds like immature partiers who reacted to trespassers.</p>

<p>I’m not sure which is worse: blaming the victims in the UW frat house case or showing complete insensitivity over the Yardley Love case. Barrons, she was a real person with a real family, you know.</p>

<p>I asked a direct, straightforward, and highly relevant question. Countrygentleman, thanks for your response. You truly are a gentlemen.</p>

<p>These racial incidents at UW are disturbing indeed.</p>

<p>Oh spare us they false sincerity/concern. U R what U R and we all know what that is.</p>

<p>Not disturbing since it doesn’t reflect the general UW or Madison climate. Nova- you merely chose to find a blemish and post to put UW in a bad light. Don’t you have better, healthier things to do? Virginia is just as nice as Wisconsin, no reason for us to bash it because of you, is there? Faults can be found everywhere. I do not hear of protests by the Black community over this or outrage. Therefore I suspect this is an isolated incident, not an example of general race relations in the UW campus area.</p>

<p>The incident was sad and unfortunate, but really overblown. As a whole, UW-Madison is a very tolerant atmosphere for people of any race, faith, or sexual orientation – what happened here has more to do with drunken frat boy stupidity than underlying currents of racism. Besides that, these incidents are not unique to UW. Last Spring there was a great deal of controversy over a “racist” video produced by a white girl at UCLA, and UCLA is about as diverse as you can get.</p>

<p>Barrons, do you think maybe you were a little too quick to blame the victims here?</p>

<p>[Delta</a> Upsilon suspended for two years following March incident : Daily-cardinal](<a href=“http://host.madison.com/daily-cardinal/news/delta-upsilon-suspended-for-two-years-following-march-incident/article_454bba40-a613-11e1-a2b2-001a4bcf887a.html]Delta”>http://host.madison.com/daily-cardinal/news/delta-upsilon-suspended-for-two-years-following-march-incident/article_454bba40-a613-11e1-a2b2-001a4bcf887a.html)</p>

<p>No, actually it turned out I was pretty much right. Not racial, but trespassing and guys being jerks about their wealth… </p>

<p>[UW</a> frat members say trespassing had been problem prior to encounter](<a href=“http://m.host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/education/university/uw-frat-members-say-trespassing-had-been-problem-prior-to/article_8bc1f104-a68d-11e1-bb0e-001a4bcf887a.html]UW”>http://m.host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/education/university/uw-frat-members-say-trespassing-had-been-problem-prior-to/article_8bc1f104-a68d-11e1-bb0e-001a4bcf887a.html)</p>

<p>Oh, I see, so they lifted the suspension, then?</p>

<p>You both need to make better use of your time. This website is a resource for students.</p>