Racist college party

<p>Santa Clara University Party Accused Of Mocking Hispanics</p>

<p>*SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- A "South of the Border" theme party has stirred outrage at a Silicon Valley university after students showed up at the bash dressed as Hispanic janitors, gardeners, gangbangers and pregnant teens.</p>

<p>Photographs from the private, off-campus party organized by Santa Clara University students in late January appeared on the Internet soon afterward, prompting an outcry on campus.</p>

<p>One image shows a partygoer with a balloon stuffed under her shirt, making her appear pregnant. In another, a woman wears pink rubber cleaning gloves and carries a feather duster.</p>

<p>"A lot of people have the idea that Mexicans or Latin Americans are all like that, and that's wrong," said Nadine Rasch, 18, a finance major from Guatemala, who did not attend the party.</p>

<p>Paul Locatelli, president of the nearly 8,400-student Jesuit university, has condemned the party. No students have been disciplined, but a campus spokeswoman said the school is investigating the party and that the university's code of conduct extends to students who live off-campus.</p>

<p>A protest march organized by students attracted 250 people Tuesday, and the campus has held meetings and plans a forum for this Thursday.</p>

<p>The Jesuit university embraces the educational philosophy of educating the whole person, according to a statement on the school's Web site from Fr. Paul Locatelli, the university president.</p>

<p>Santa Clara is one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in California and the oldest Catholic university in the American West. It was founded in 1851.*</p>


<p>From a per capita standpoint, the things which were characterized occur with greater frequency in American-Hispanic populations than American-Causcasian populations.</p>

<p>Like it or not, per capita figures are how stereotypes are made.</p>

<p>That's awful. </p>

<p><a href="http://nationofmillions.com/story.php?title=Another-Celebration-Black-Culture-This-Time-UCONN-Law%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://nationofmillions.com/story.php?title=Another-Celebration-Black-Culture-This-Time-UCONN-Law&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Similar party.</p>

<p>What's the point?</p>

<p>We beat this to death in the Parent's Cafe.
<a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=302754%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=302754&lt;/a>
Go ahead and attack me if you want. :)</p>

<p>Don't people know that when the italians the irish ect. came to this country they had to do similar jobs. They were in the same exact position as the new immigrants. </p>

<p>When will people learn.</p>

Don't people know that when the italians the irish ect. came to this country they had to do similar jobs. They were in the same exact position as the new immigrants. </p>

<p>When will people learn.

They did not, however, have prodigious amounts of kids out of wedlock.</p>

<p>I'm with you Joev.</p>

<p>People need to get over it.</p>

They did not, however, have prodigious amounts of kids out of wedlock.


<p>They did, however, have a lot of kids (like most Catholics did back then). I think the pregnancy costume was to stereotype the Hispanics as having large families, as opposed to them having kids out of wedlock.</p>

<p>Also, Mr Payne, I would prefer if you'd abandon your method of passive approval of many things discriminatory and just be forthright. For example, you said that certain things happen more in Hispanic communities than White American communities, and that's how stereotypes are born. Are you saying that since various tendencies exist, it's okay for a privileged group to demean and humiliate a weaker minority? If so, then just come out and say it. But please, enough with this "hey, that's the way it is" crap. </p>

<p>And joev, this is not White America rebelling against political correctness. In fact, calling this a "rebellion" is doing a disservice to the popular connotations of the word, which embodies youthful idealism, progressivism, etc. The "rebellion" in this case is just a bunch of insular kids seeking the comfort and blazing pioneerism of pre-Integration days when Whites and the West were undisputably on top. At best, it's just a bunch of really insensitive kids not knowing any better. At worst, it's just a bunch of really mean-spirited kids threatened by change.</p>

<p>And what is this mythical oppression of PC-ness I hear people like joev constantly complain about? I'll tell you what it is: it's just a small group of White people with severe entitlement issues who thinks that having the social expectations to play on an even playing field with non-Whites is somehow a great infraction of their inherent rights of being White. That's what it really is, isn't it? Political correctness is having to face a stigma for calling a Black person a nigger, having to compete fairly and then lose to Asians in going to the nation's top colleges, and having to polite endure a reality where the U.S. is no longer nearly as powerful as it was in the "glory days". So how does you retaliate? Lash out in the stupidest way possible.</p>

<p>Also, for the record, parties with stereotypical themes, IMHO, are not inherently offensive. I don't find anything wrong with a Ghetto Fab party, as long as nobody shows up in Blackface. It's not even a stereotype that Ghetto Fab people dress in bling bling and throwback jerseys. It would be racist if it was an African-American themed party and everybody just showed up as 50 Cent, but when the theme is supposed to be about gangstas, what do you expect? Plus, there can be White Trash, Kung Fu, French Wine and Cheese, and WASP parties which revel in kitschy glorification of familiar stereotypes. </p>

<p>However, this was a general "South of the Border" party, meaning that people had the freedom to represent Hispanics as they saw fit, and not surprisingly, the only thing people could think of were largely negative stereotypes, from uneducated and poor labourers to young pregnant girls.</p>

People need to get the hell over it.


<p>Spoken like a person genuinely without a sense of social justice or empathy.</p>

<p>And it's important to note that there's nothing that can be done to physically prevent ignorant mostly-White people from making racist remarks towards minority groups. Free speech is still there. Go ahead, call everybody a Wetback or a Chink. It's just that nowadays, they can actually get in trouble for it (i.e. George Allen, Joe Biden), or at least become very annoyed (i.e. Rosie O'Donnell). <em>Gasp</em>! A world where Whites can't publicly humiliate minority groups AND get away with it? NOOO!!! Take me back to the 1950s!</p>

<p>PS I fully realize that minority groups can be as racist as any White person, but c'mon, even Jesse Jackson saying "Cracka" on national TV doesn't have the same oomph as say, George W. Bush neglecting tens of thousands of Blacks in New Orleans.</p>

<p>excuse me.... im latin, hspanic, central american, whatever you want to call me... and that is just the stupidest and horrible act i have ever see... if the "americans" that think we are only that, then why they make fun of us, thats make them less than us...
you know theya re so wrong, and i will prove it.. because im a better person and i will achieve greatest things....
sorry but next you do something like that think first becuase your friend next door could be a hispanic more succesful than you</p>


<p>Don't you realize that by demanding fairness and equality, you're a PC Nazi?</p>

Spoken like a person genuinely without a sense of social justice or empathy.


<p>No. Spoken like someone that believes the only way to equality is to stop giving special treatment and freaking out over every little thing. </p>

<p>Do you not realize that people also have parties mocking the preppy, spoiled, can'tdoanythingformyself Hampton-types? I don't see any of those making the news and upsetting everyone. </p>

<p>How about all the "dumb redneck Southerners" crap that so many people love to spew? That is directed towards me and just about everyone I know, and while it does arouse mild irritation, it's certainly not some horrid crime against humanity.</p>

<p>I have plenty of empathy for situations that deserve it. This simply does not.</p>


<p>Firstly, you cannot compare mild amusements at the expense of Hampton babies to ignorant denigration of the Hispanic community. It's just being blatantly disingenuous. Sure, you can wear a cable-knit sweater around your neck and speak in an affected member as a way to "insult" the White Aristocracy, but at the end of the day, what do all the clothing catalogues and media forms revere? If you can show me something that, in any way shape or form, respects and idolizes the poor uneducated Latino McDonald's worker, then I'll shut up. </p>

<p>On the dumb redneck Southerner argument, I'll give you more merit. But you have to realize that in a racially stratified society, the lowest white has more upside than the highest Black, Asian, or Latino. That trailer park dweller could one day be the progenitor of a political dynasty (hey, look at the Clintons). Plus, making fun of rednecks is not a racial insult, it's a cultural one. If that redneck moved somewhere else, within a few years or at least a generation, nobody would discriminate against them. Can racial minorities do that? Absolutely not. So don't compare apples with oranges.</p>

<p>I always have to repeat this, but what some Whites fed up with "PC-ness" seem to be oblivious to is the fact that while racial slights towards Whites are always counterbalanced with positive images, many minorities are simply slandered and libeled against, subsequently given no such balancing treatment afforded to Whites, then have to endure the callous and myopic scoldings by Whites to "lighten up" or "take a joke". </p>

<p>The White equivalent of this "South of the Border" party would be an event where the general theme was "Be White", and everybody showed up as colonial rapists, murderers, Klansmen, Nazis, and pretty much very ugly and unfair stereotypes of Whites one could imagine. it wouldn't be a cute little "WASP" party (a backhanded compliment, IMHO, to the wealth and luxury of Whites). How would you feel?</p>

<p>This party is offensive and in many ways wrong, but let me ask someone...how have these students hurt other people? How have they affected other people's lives? Clearly someone went out of their way to track them down (probably on facebook). It's not like this was some student organization. It wasn't a fraternity. This is free-speech. I don't know the honor code of this college but if they get suspended I think it is a shame. People act so mortified and outraged, but in a lot of ways racism isn't a huge problem in the U.S. If a tacky and ignorant party (that causes people to go out of their way to be outraged about) is the worst type of racism people can find, then we aren't doing so bad as a society. </p>

<p>I must say that this would be acceptable behavior for blacks or hispanics if they decided to make a party making fun of white people. It's such a double standard.</p>

<p>Well, in light of this, I will assume there will be many more of these parties in the future, I'm half expecting an Asian themed part soon so I'll get my Fu Manchu costume ready.</p>

<p>Seriously though NBAChris makes a good, albeit angry, point. White people are usually the first to tell people to lighten up when these types of things happen but you folks are also the first to raise up mock anger in light of Affirmative Action threatening to turn college campuses into Ludacris (LUDA REPRESENT! DIRTY SOUTH BIATCH!) videos.</p>

<p>But see, that's the thing. Parties like the rich kid one I mentioned are actually doing the exact same thing as the party in question did. Both pin point a certain group and play up on their negative stereotypes...the only difference is race and, in the specific example I used, social class. People are just more likely to get riled up about people making fun of minorities and poor people. </p>

<p>I suspect that many people would feel that a "white trash" party is very insulting and wrong, for example...but it certainly wouldn't make the news. It would simply be deemed as distasteful...if, of course, it wasn't just laughed off as a "isn't that so true" type of thing.</p>

<p>And it's ridiculous to claim that an extremely poor white person is "better off" than a minority born into a middle or upper class household. Anyone coming from a disadvantaged childhood should be highly respected for making a better life for themselves regardless of race.</p>

<p>I just think that people shouldn't make excuses and exceptions when it comes to these things.</p>

<p>What he's saying isn't that poor white people have more potential for social mobility than rich black people. He's saying they have more potential than poor black people and Hispanics and probably poor Asians. On average of course.</p>

<p>How much of that is really due to the attitudes of others, though?</p>

This party is offensive and in many ways wrong, but let me ask someone...how have these students hurt other people? How have they affected other people's lives? Clearly someone went out of their way to track them down (probably on facebook). It's not like this was some student organization. It wasn't a fraternity. This is free-speech. I don't know the honor code of this college but if they get suspended I think it is a shame. People act so mortified and outraged, but in a lot of ways racism isn't a huge problem in the U.S. If a tacky and ignorant party (that causes people to go out of their way to be outraged about) is the worst type of racism people can find, then we aren't doing so bad as a society.</p>

<p>I must say that this would be acceptable behavior for blacks or hispanics if they decided to make a party making fun of white people. It's such a double standard.


<p>The U.S. doesn't have serious race problems? Since when? Of all the industrialized countries, the U.S. is the one with the most serious racial baggage. Name one country with such a painful and ugly past. And Europe doesn't have a racial problem as much as a religious problem. And Asian countries are generally very racist, but they're so homogeneous that it doesn't matter that much... yet.</p>

What he's saying isn't that poor white people have more potential for social mobility than rich black people. He's saying they have more potential than poor black people and Hispanics and probably poor Asians. On average of course.


<p>Actually, I did mean that a poor white has more potential in the long run (as in future generations) than a rich minority because the greatest social obstacle is race, as class and religion can be changed or hidden. Joe White's grandson could grow up to be senator, or even president, but even Barack Obama's children will have to deal with "Can a black _____ win?"</p>