raised my stats trying again

<p>i'm trying for:
Georgetown University
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
George Washington University</p>


<p>GPA: 3.4- 3.5
ACT: 27
e- 26

<p>Duel Credits:
US History- 3 hours- C
Lead 101- 3 hours- A
College 101- 1 hours- A
English 110- 3 hours- A
taking Psychology next semester</p>

<p>College Gpa: 3.4</p>

<p>taking again in Feb. (sent e-mail explaining reason to colleges)
DECA 10-12 executive board 11-12
BAnD 6-12 Front Ensemble captain 12
Tennis 6-12
FBLA 9-10;12 Class treasurer 9
4-H 4-12 County Reporter 9
Student council 9-12 Executive Board 12
Boy's State 2008
Upward Bound 9-12
25 and above club 11-12</p>

<p>Community service:
400+ in one nursing home
8 hours cleaning another
40+ with 4-H</p>

Upward Bound:
2006 Spanish 1 award
2007 Geometry Award
2008 College Algebra Award
2008 Perfect attendance Award
2008 Most Studious
Who's Who Among American High School Students 2006
Honor roll Freshman 2nd 9 weeks; 3 &4 9 weeks of Junior year; 1st and 2nd 9 weeks of senior year</p>

<p>White first Generation college male from TN</p>

<p>Parents Divorced in 2003</p>

<p>ADHD; only one of two kidneys</p>

<p>Georgetown - reach, as it is for everyone. write GREAT essays and you have a chance.
GW - high match? stats are borderline, emphasize your ecs and have good essays
Southern Illinois - in</p>

<p>I’m applying to gtown and gw also…good luck and maybe i’ll see you next year?!</p>

<p>i’m not sure. stuff been happening and my dad doesn’t want me to be 13 hours away. If I get in I’ll prolly c about pushing it back there til next year so I can make sure he’s ok.</p>


<p>bump again</p>

<p>Georgetown University- Possible? Mid-Reach
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville- In
George Washington University- Most likely In</p>

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville-in
GWU high match/low reach</p>

<p>SIU def in.
george Wahington maybe leaning yes.
george town a reach.</p>

<p>i really like that you have ‘duel’ credits, it is funny =)</p>

<p>Georgetown is a Reach, Southern Illinois is IN, and GW, is a Match</p>

<p>oh man that’s embarassing I mean du"A"l credits lol</p>