<li>I went for vacation in LA this past week and visited USC for the third time-- this time with my whole family. They all thought it was gorgeous. I’ve never really seen the entire campus, so we took time to really walk around. I didn’t realize how many fountains and flowers there really are around campus. It’s so pretty, and unexpected, to see a campus like that in South Central LA, or actually LA in general.</li>
<p>My dad’s an alum, so he took us to check out his favorite library-- I think it’s the philosophy library, sort of small, but amazingly pretty inside. Giant fireplace, leather chairs, incredible ceiling-- if you’ve seen ABC’s “The Scholar”, they filmed the 19th century Literature challenge in that library. </p>
<li>School Spirit! We took a few days to do a road trip to Las Vegas, and we get into the hotel and the first thing I see is this guy in the lobby with a giant USC shirt on. Even when we stopped to get gas, the car in front of us had a USC sticker on it.</li>
<p>Driving around LA, there were USC liscense plates EVERYWHERE. I saw maybe 5 UCLA plates/stickers my entire week in LA. I saw dozens of USC cars. It was awesome.</p>
<p>Shortly after our arrival one of my relatives in LA became sick and was admitted to the hospital-- it was sort of a difficult time for all of us. When we visited, the parking lot-- including the section reserved for doctors-- was full of cars with USC liscence plates/stickers.</p>
<li>I got a T-shirt from the School of International Relations! I heard other people got T-shirts for their schools-- music, I think-- but I didn’t think the College of Arts and Science kids would get one-- because there’s so many of us.</li>
<p>It’s crimson and gold with Rodin’s “Thinking Man” sculpture printed on the back, with the tagline “I think, therefore IR” written beside it. It’s cute.</p>
<p>So, in short, USC is awesome.</p>