Random but important questions

<p>When you are putting down activities and work in applications.... how should I specify the hours. Because I work about 20 hours per week in the summer and much fewer during school. Also, for sports, I spend a lot more time during season than off season- like 20 hrs per week vs. 5....how should I specify this because there is usually no room on applications.
Also, if I've taken more AP Tests than there are spaces...?
How do I know if the school has recieved my ACT/SAT scores?</p>

<p>oh and also, when they recieve the scores, do they recieve every ACT I've taken or just the most recent?</p>

<p>You can select which ACT to send.</p>

<p>I have a question similar to the OPs, might as well ask it here.</p>

<p>Let's say I work job A during school year and job B during the summer (and repeat the pattern through out high school), how would I put it down?</p>

<p>For applications, there's generally a space for "summer activities." I think you can specify your summer work hours there. I believe the "employment" box in the application mainly refers to work done when school is in session. If you really want to put it in the "employment" box, I think you can do something like "<strong><em>job name</em></strong> (summer)" - indicate that it's a summer job after your job name.</p>

<p>As for sports, I think you can specify the time it takes you during the season. Adcoms know that no sport really lasts for the whole year, so they will know that the hours you put there refer to seasonal hours. If you really want to be clear, you can put a short explanation in "additional information," but I think the adcoms should be able to figure it out.</p>

<p>If you've taken more AP tests, you can put them in "additional information." If the space is limited, I usually put my best scores on the app's main page and move the additional scores that I have to the additional information box.</p>

<p>Many colleges have an online tracking system that you can use to see which pieces of your application have been received - so you can check if they got your SAT scores there. If it doesn't already come with your online app, you will most likely receive an ID number after you apply that you can use to track the missing pieces of your application. I applied to 15 colleges this year and I remember most of them, if not all, have this system.</p>

<p>I didn't take the ACT, so I can't help you there. =D</p>

<p>Some forms also have space for the periods of time, ie June to August.</p>

<p>right, but I work the same job all year, I just have more hours in the summer. If you do something different in each, I would just specify with the months</p>