Random Guessing on ACT

<p>What is the highest section score you have ever gotten from guessing on a considerable amount of questions (15?) at the end?</p>

<p>I scored a 25 and then a 26 after guessing on more than half of the science questions.</p>

<p>If not more…</p>

<p>^that’s actually really encouraging</p>

<p>^^ Thats actually really realllyyy encouraging.</p>

<p>I guessed on the vast majority of the science questions the first time I took the ACT. I ended up getting a 22. I had to guess on the science question again this time around. I’m praying that I get a better score.</p>

<p>I guessed on like 10 i think and got a 25. not THAT many. On math i guessed SO MUCH and got a 22.</p>

<p>My Senior year of highschool, I guessed on ALL of them, except three of the writing ones…I think my highest sub-score was around 15 in math.</p>

<p>my overall all ACT for that test was a 12…this girl at my school was all proud when she got a 13…then my score went around the school and…yeah…</p>

<p>gotta love the guesses…</p>

<p>I knew this guy who guessed on all of them and got a 28. He was a “motivational speaker” that tried to talk everyone into going to college and taking school seriously.</p>

<p>I don’t understand what the point of this thread is. I can say I’ve gotten a 36 guessing on science. But that was educated guesses instead of random ABAAAAD or something.</p>

<p>Take school seriously though o.O</p>

<p>i think the point is to share and enjoy stories like “i guessed x on the _____ test and got y”</p>

<p>just kind of fun to hear about</p>

<p>Just to let everyone know, your odds of getting every question right with pure guessing are:
1 in 1428115054443948284605494292873432524574494097 (seriously)</p>

<p>That being said, I’ve score 26 on math with guessing on 12 questions.</p>

<p>And I have 30 composite, pending december (good feeling, I loved the science :smiley: ).</p>

<p>shazheng, the reason i started this thread is because i didn’t have enough time to finish my math or science tests and had to guess for the last 15</p>

<p>I think the exact chances of getting every question right by pure guessing is (.2)^215 %</p>

<p>what i wrote earlier to shazheng (which somehow got deleted) was that i didn’t start this thread out of a feeling of nonchalance about school. it’s actually quite the opposite – i care a lot about school, and i am worried about how my guessing will be reflected in my score.</p>

<p>I guessed a bit on reading and science</p>

<p>I guessed on about 15 for a math section and got a 27.</p>

<p>You really don’t need to guess much for the science section.
All of the information is there, you just need to pull it from the passages. I didn’t study for it and only did one practice section before taking the ACT and I got a 36 on the science. You really just need to read carefully and keep in mind that all of the info needed is given to you. </p>

<p>I guessed a lot on math (maybe 15 or more) and ended up with a 24. For science, I focused in on 2 or 3 passages and guessed the rest. I got a 27. I excel at english and reading so I knew I could afford lower scores on the math/science sections without screwing up my composite. Also, when it came to guessing, I followed the Princeton Review’s tip for “letters of the day” and used the same two letters for my guesses throughout!</p>