Random Jerks

<p>So almost everyone at my school got rejected from UCLA. We are a suburbian public school. Probably a good 15-20 rejection letters, and 3 acceptances.</p>


<p>me = 1440, 660, 750, 630. asian girl. 4 years varsity tennis. NHS. pres/founder of a club 3 years. academic decathalon - varsity. vice president of asb 2 years. HOBY rep. 4.2/3.6 GPA. 9 AP classes. RANKED 8/607.</p>

<p>boywhogotin = 1200. white guy. 3 ap classes. i don't know his II's. band - 4 years. student achievement 1 year. RANKED 45/607.</p>

<p>UMMM COME ON!!!! lol.</p>

<p>only 2 people on our top ten got into UCLA. how cuhhhhrazy!</p>

<p>the essays must have sucked. I cant emphasize enough. the Essays play a huge role in ur admission. my stats were just about the same as the asian you were talking about (im azn too)..and the essay must have decided who got in.</p>

<p>Sorry, but those sub-700 SAT II scores did you in... The fact that you don't know boywhogotin's SAT II scores, on the other hand, suggests the possibility that he may have gotten 800/800/800 (while saving a kitten from a burning tree) for all we know.</p>

<p>more weight is put on SAT II</p>

<p>I had rather low sat II's...</p>

<p>SAT IIs make up 3/4 of your standardized score. Do the math. If you get higher SAT IIs and did mediocore on the SAT I, it buffers out. If you do well on SAT I but atrocious on the IIs, good luck.</p>

<p>It's not absolute, however.</p>

<p>hey kissoffxo.</p>

<p>my stats are very simliar to yours but a little better, but i still got rejected while the mediocre students from my school got in. ***... keep your head up, you still got SD and Berk.</p>

<p>No offense, but I'd suggest you drop your elitist attitude and come back to earth. Learn to be humble and accept UCLA's decision as the final word which may or MAY NOT have been random.</p>

<p>UCLA might be a better place without you, anyway. It could just be me, but going to school with snobs or egoists is a drag.</p>

<p>My Stats : Vietnamese immigrant 1.5 year English used to be foreign language
SAT1 : 800 M, 610 V
SAT2 : 800 M2C, 800 Physics, 610 Writing
APs: AP Physics B 5, Physicsc Mech 5, Physics C E&M 5(much more impressive than the upper 800's)
Taking AP Chem, AP Bio(just to complete all sciences), AP Cal BC, AP Gov, Honor English 12,11.</p>

<p>Still rejected ???
That's why I was so mad.
Let it pass quickly.</p>

<p>Aerospace engineering major
rank 26/571 (I just came, ye know)</p>

<p>Berkeley, take me ..........</p>

<p>"My Stats : Vietnamese immigrant 1.5 year English used to be foreign language
SAT1 : 800 M, 610 V
SAT2 : 800 M2C, 800 Physics, 610 Writing
APs: AP Physics B 5, Physicsc Mech 5, Physics C E&M 5(much more impressive than the upper 800's)
Taking AP Chem, AP Bio(just to complete all sciences), AP Cal BC, AP Gov, Honor English 12,11.</p>

<p>Still rejected ???
That's why I was so mad.
Let it pass quickly.</p>

<p>rank 26/571"</p>

<p>I think you should be accepted
after the 25 in your school ahead of you</p>

<p>What do you mean, sir ?
If I had had come just one year earlier, I would have got the first position easily.
What about the top 25 ? I have the most impressive of all .</p>

<p>what exactly makes you more impressive other than one 3-hour test</p>

<p>Ok, you dont know what you are talking about.</p>

<p>If you were an USAMO qualifier, Intel STS semifinalist than you would have a case otherwise youre just whining</p>

<p>Oh, sorry. I dont know that UCLA only accepts "USAMO qualifier,Intel STS semifinalist ".
funny U</p>

<p>i thought you were arguing that you were impressively overqualified not just an average applicant</p>

<p>I dont care if I overqualify or not. The fact is that I do qualify, and my scores show that I'm ready for anything UCLA can put on me.</p>

<p>my point exactly, youre not overqualified hence there is nothing close to a guarantee, you applied took you're chance, and didnt get in now its time to stop whining</p>