<p>Because I simply LOVE each and every person here, I would like to make an announcement that's completely unrelated to boarding schools.</p>
<p>I'M MOVING TO NEW YORK CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>
<p>I'm SOOO excited, I visited once when I was a little kid to go to Ellis Island, and I thought it was super cool...I can't wait!</p>
<p>That’s freaking awesome!!!
Prepare to be hated by a jealous me. :D</p>
<p>Are you heading to BS in the fall? If not, where are you gonna go to school?</p>
<p>Yeah, bama, boarding school is still my plan.
I didn’t even expect to get one reply, since this was such a stupid, irrelevant topic…especially not with such enthusiasm.
I’m pleasantly surprised.</p>
<p>Many of the things we talk about are stupid and irrelevant so it blends in.</p>
<p>oh, i’m from nyc! which borough?</p>
<p>Manhattan, although I have relatives in the Bronx. :)</p>
<p>me too, and it’s awesome! </p>
<p>one thing you’ll find though, is that nyc has an astronomical cost of living. stock up on non-perishables before you come here, because everything’s crazy. a loaf of bread’s like 3 dollars, probably more.</p>
<p>the kids who live in manhattan… we’re like a cult. ;)</p>
<p>OMG. That has been my dream since I can remember. Not only are you moving to New York, but Manhattan?!?! ughh im so jealous</p>
<p>NYC is awesome! i love visiting there</p>
<p>Lol cost of living in DC metro area is Crazzzy too ! Yeah I nearly moved to NY, my parents had the choice between Boston, NY, London, and DC but I’m definitely moving to NY when I’m older lol.</p>
<p>I prefer the smaller areas of New England such as Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, etc. Charleston, SC also has a certain draw for me as a place to live and establish my political base. Future Senator here. (:</p>
<p>KC, sometimes I wonder if we’re the same person. No, really.</p>
<p>Haha, thanks, bigcitylights, that bit about the expenses are definitely true. However, my family is considering food stamps, because our overall income is not very high.</p>
<p>Okay, since I’m moving to NYC, I did a bit of reading about the public/private schools available there. Apparently, lots of students and parents alike believe Stuyvesant High School to be one of the very best. Do you guys think this is true? Or only a result of a lack of prep school knowledge? Because I am sure that Exeter, Andover, etc. (even Peddie) trumps Stuy academically and socially. (The stereotype for Stuyvesant is that it is filled with a 60-70% Asian population, the majority of whom are very anti-social.)</p>