Random Question About Dance at Brown

<p>This is a little random, and probably a silly question, but I thought I’d ask anyway. I’ve always been interested in Dance (contemporary, hip hop, swing, etc.) but I’ve never ever taken lessons or anything like that. There’s only so many things you can fit into a day you know? So I know with the open curriculum you can take classes pass/fail if you think won’t do well, but if I take a Dance course at Brown would I be totally and completely lost? Or are there any courses for beginners?</p>

<p>I’m so down for learning dance @ brown. Worst comes to worst though I’m sure you can start/find a club to learn if there aren’t any official courses</p>

<p>I think I’ll go with finding a club if there aren’t any courses. Me + my raw dance skills= well I’m sure you can imagine. Unfortunately my german genes cancelled out all the cool puerto rican ones. I can’t even roll my r’s…I’m working on it…</p>

<p>There are some dance classes offered through the phys ed department; they are non-credit and there’s a fee to take them.</p>

<p>There are dance classes offered for credit; they are the same weight credit wise as a history class or organic chemistry. (Some schools offer dance classes that are 1 or 2 credits; not Brown.)</p>

<p>And there are several dance groups.</p>

<p>Don’t mean to hijack the thread, but going on the same line as OP, can this be said for most other things? Like say if I’ve never taken a Bio class, or I’ve never done a particular sport, or theatre, can I still join a class/club/organisation and not feel left out because everyone’s won cabinets of trophies already?</p>

<p>If I’m interpreting your question right, I would say that pass/fail would be awesome for you. I’m not very sciencey (fell behind in the classes due to lack of attention or slipping up near the beginning) but in Brown you can take classes pass/fail so you can learn what you want without the added pressure to succeed with an A or B</p>