Random question but...

<p>how long did it take you to learn how to drive? before you got your license?</p>

<p>just wondering.</p>

<p>about 20 hours of practice. i could have passed it after about 5.</p>

<p>a LOT longer. like a year. but then I hate driving… :)</p>

<p>Um? to learn? About 14 hours because the in-car requirement for my school. To learn to how to drive well? Months. Mostly because I hate driving and have a short attention span.</p>

<p>Like 3-4 hours. The only hard part is paying attention to your surroundings</p>

<p>3-5 Hours to drive (1-2 on the basics) and a few more hours to actually be considered an adequate/good driver (but my mom still complains that i accelerate too fast and that i’m too fast on turns…but it all works out).</p>

<p>3-5 hours spread out over a year…lol</p>

<p>Seriously, it’s just getting used to the spatial… atmosphere or something.</p>

<p>5 hours in mandatory drivers ed
Then you get your permit and you have to log 50 hours of driving with a parent
After 6 months you get your full license</p>

<p>It took me about 3 hours to be able to drive anywhere locally. But I’m a very bad driver, mainly because I make rash decisions on the road such as turning before checking if the left turner is making a uturn, blasting music, driving to fast, not staying in the middle of the lane, etc.</p>

<p>6 hours. The rest of the time was just spent going in circles round the neighborhood, and once almost crashing my ex’s mom’s car.</p>

<p>Driving takes a few hours to pick up and years to master.</p>

<p>I had to drive for 20 hours before taking the test. That’s a state law over here in NH. But when you get your license, you definately need to keep practicing, trust me :)</p>

<p>our law is 120 hours including 20 at night and holding your permit for year… before I passed my test took me about 125 practical hours and 16 months… taking into consideration that I had major exams during 4 months of that and i learned automatic first before learning stick</p>

<p>*But I’m a very bad driver, mainly because I make rash decisions on the road such as turning before checking if the left turner is making a uturn, blasting music, driving to fast, not staying in the middle of the lane, etc. *</p>

<p>I hate people like you. :)</p>

<p>^watch me end up having driving skills equivalent to a Mid Night Club member haha</p>

<p>it’s been months & i’m still not much better off than i was to begin with.
i have a short attention span+it’s so weird to have to pay attention to all of your surroundings at once :0
we’ll see if i get that license tomorrow :/</p>

<p>surroundings and paying attention to EVERYTHING is definitely the hardest part to adjust to. i remember getting into the car for the first time and i felt like i couldn’t see anything. now i would say i’m definitely a better drive than my mom and probably as good as my dad. it’s all about experience. the more hours the more situations and places you’ll go and the more comfortable you’ll become. drive safely!</p>

<p>That’s the same question I’ve been wondering about lately… Where do you get all the answers to the writing test? & do you really after wait 6 months to get your permit/ license??</p>

<p>The written test is common sense. I think you can get like 8 wrong and still pass (out of 50 or whatever).</p>

<p>I think I’m a horrible driver. I got a 75 on my driving test. The instructor is stupid though. He said I drove too slow. Sorry if I drive 2-5 miles under the speed limit. Sorry, if I decide to wait a few seconds at the stop sign before charging forward. I guess I am too cautious. I’ll work on being more reckless.</p>