umm i wuz wondering if there was someone who immigrated to the US during their High school years…and where they applied, stats, where they got accepted an all that kinda stuff…cmon man dont b lazy
thx a Lot.
<p>i think you could get more responses if you wouldn't put such vague titles on your threads...just a suggestion though
sorry i can't help...born in us</p>
<p>My friend immigrated from Korea during his 10th year. (I was 9th)
He applied to HYPSM and a few others... Got reject by HYPSM.
His SAT was like 1530 with all A's except english. Fianlly went to Clemson U</p>
<p>dawg......cant change the title no more.....lol its not like i wuz gonna get a whole lotta responses anyway</p>