Random Questions

I had a question that wasn’t sure it really needed its own thread, so thought it might be helpful to have a thread where we could ask random questions. My random question came up as I watched the Jimy Fallon Valentines show, and enjoyed re-watching his musical parodies. My question: Will he ever be able to play the guitar again? Watching his left hand movement, he still seems to have decreased range of motion in his pinky and he has reported continued numbness in his fourth and fifth fingers… That would be such a shame if he cannot play guitar. There doesn’t seem t be any updated info on the web. Anyone know ?? (And feel free to add your totally random question here too).


I can’t answer your Jimmy Fallon question but I have my own random question that’s been on my mind since December…

In Austraila (or other southern hemisphere countries), is there a whole other “list” of Christmas Carols/holiday songs? Obviously they wouldn’t sing about Frosty the Snowman, or Dashing through the Snow, or any of that…it’s the middle of summer!!

(I know, parts of the US also don’t get snow…but at least it’s winter according to the calendar…)


Good question, @JustaMom5465 . Found this: http://www.australiantimes.co.uk/top-five-aussie-christmas-carols-poll/

Still wondering about Jimmy Fallon :frowning:

I was in Hong Kong during the Christmas run up. Lots of familiar Santa displays, but much of the “shopping mall” music was totally unknown to me - vague things with lyrics like “Christmas is Coming.” “It’s Christmas, It’s Christmas” sung to unfamiliar tunes. There were also familiar carols and things like Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Bell Rock, but I don’t recall anything winter or snow based. (It didn’t feel right to me!)

re: Jimmy Fallon, a family member had something similar happen about 15 years ago. He still has use of his hand, in general, but those couple of fingers don’t do much besides gripping thing. Little fine motor control. Perhaps surgical options have improved, perhaps Fallon got the very best care and that will make the difference. Hand surgery is challenging from what I understand and didn’t he hurt both hands in separate incidents?

Wasn’t aware he hurt his other hand, @doschicos. He had a second procedure on is injured hand to unblock a nerve impingement, explained here https://cdanews.com/2015/12/jimmy-fallon-explains-newly-bandaged-wrist/

But watching is hand movements, he still seems to posture his hand with his pinky curled under and his injured/ring finger seems to have limited range of motion too. That is so sad. His musical imitations were fabulous.


@JustaMom5465 I was in the Cayman Islands just before Christmas. It was in the 80s, the palm trees were wrapped in lights, amd they played the usual English Christmas carols.

Re Fallon–not in answer to your question, exactly, but I know a woman that happened to who eventually had most of the finger amputated; just couldn’t heal it after that injury.

The random question I’ve occasionally wondered about - and I hope I don’t offend anyone - involves yarmulkes. Most Jewish men seem to use some type of Bobby pin to fasten the yarmulke to their heads. If a Jewish man is completely bald, how does he fasten it on?

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Hayden – knit yarmulkes hold onto the scalp a little better. Using one that has a cotton lining rather than a satin or slippery lining fabric also works.

@jym626 From the article I saw Fallon thinks he will be able to play guitar again, but not the more complex chords. See article below.

Thanks, @happy1 Great news!!

CD- The leather kipas (yarmulkes) seems to slip off of hair, but do they possibly stay better on bald scalps?

Suede stays on pretty well.

DH also commented that the men who are “follicularly challenged” (aka bald) tend to wear the bigger kipas or skullcaps.

Another random question: Anyone watching the grammys? Who was the singer (he was a favorite of mine but I am having a serious senior moment and cant recall his name) "taking it easy " tribute to the late Glen Frey. Wait— memory flash-- it was Jackson Browne, yes??

^^ Yes, it was Jackson Browne

He looks the same! The name just went out of my aging brain.

Yeah, looks amazingly the same.
But bald guys don’t use sticky tape? Hollywood gals do, to hold those skimpy tops in place