Random Questions

Well, jym, my Charge HR needs recharging only once in 5-6 days, depending on how often I peek at it, and it syncs perfectly even with the Win 7 laptop. Mine is 2 months old.

My surge (really, I call it The Behemoth) needs to be charged every 4 days. More if I tell it to track my walk. We hiked Muir Woods in Cali last week and there’s an awesome gps map of our path down into the forest :D. I don’t like to sleep with it on my wrist, so I take it off and leave it to charge at night next to my cell phone in the other room. I know I sleep like a rock so I don’t need to track that.

I think I saw someone mention the Pyramid Collection- an online dress store. I saw several cute dresses there but I am leery of some of these online places. Has anyone ever ordered from them?

I have, but it’s been a while. I think they have the same parent company as North Style. Everything was fine in my experience with them.

Do you have your fitbit app on your phone and ipad too? Ive been told that could be pat of the problem. But now the band on the sidewhere the button is, just below yhe button, is coming loose and bubbling up. May be time to contact the company, but dont have time to deal with it at the moment

Oh and this is where I asked about the tree trimming! They are here today, doing a great job. But there was a hawk flying around earlier that may be non-plussed. :frowning:

Another random question- I am making banana bread and one of the loaf pans is that blue rubber stuff. Its had somef spray stuff on it and its all sticky. How do you clean it?

^^I’ve never heard of that-is that one of the new silicone pans?

We have a pc and iphones, and have had no problem with them playing well together.

Do we know yet where Malia Obama is going to college?

Random question du jour…sometimes (ie, today) when I grill boneless skinless chicken, it comes out really rubbery, I’m talking like the consistency of an eraser. Yuck! It’s been happening more and more and I can’t figure that if its just crappy chicken or something else!!! I’m just throwing some thin sliced bsbc on the grill with some grilling sauce…nothing fancy. Most of the time, delicious, then wham, gross. Anyone else have this problem?

Overcooking? That often leads to rubbery, dry chicken and super easy to do if you are putting thinly sliced chicken on the grill. Why are you slicing it before cooking? It takes longer to cook, but I think it’s better to leave the breast whole (I will butterfly it sometimes if it is super large) and also marinade it ahead of time.

@JustaMom5465 - I think it’s the chicken. My preferred chicken these days is boneless breast but with the skin on. I take the skin off to eat but it keeps it moist. I also think where I buy my chicken makes a difference. I like the chicken from a small market chain in my area. The brands at Safeway are usually hit or miss for flavor.
My hit way of seasoning boneless breasts. I make a dry mix of garlic powder, oregano,onion powder, salt, cumin, cayenne pepper, chili powder and cumin. Mix that up with a bit of vegetable oil and rub it on the chicken. It’s great for soft tacos, salads or just eating whole.

I’ve found that too with the thin sliced. Maybe the regular boneless breasts are better on the grill.

yes, MOD, it is one of those silicone pans. Very sticky.

Have you tried brining the chicken before grilling? (I don’t cook chicken on the grill–if it’s cooked through, it’s always overcooked somewhere. I like to bake it in barbecue sauce in the oven.)

The sticky silicone pans can be soaked in Dawn detergent overnight. It’s worked for me.

A grill as in outside? I think chicken with bones still in cook better that way. They retain moisture throughout the meat even if you take the skin off first.

Doschicos…no, not like dry overcooked rubbery… Just literally like rubber. I don’t slice them, just usually get the thin sliced ones. And usually they are good! Hmmmm

I’d still just go for whole chicken breasts. Besides, the less your meat comes prehandled and sliced and diced, the better for your health in terms of bacteria risk and what not.

One of my favorite meals is chicken breasts with the bone in and the skin on, broiled in the broiler (inside). When the skin gets a little burnt, it adds a whole new flavor, and the meat is juicier, too, than when broiling the boneless skinless breasts. I tend to use the boneless skinless in recipes but just serve the broiled chicken with bone and skin as is.