Random Questions

Oh my goodness, yes. We used them for a mini-laundry room with a stacking washer.dryer at the end of the kitchen by the back door. Louvers/slats for extra ventilation. All wood. Tres elegant. Well, maybe not elegant, but very nice. We have a pocket door to our master bath [new house], and I have thought about replacing it. Not enough room for a traditional door but I am seriously considering a folding one. Google it. They’re all over the place.

@doschicos he has a book out about it-I’m 16th on the waiting list at the library.

Here’s a hypothetical question: Do you think it is insulting to your 20-year-old daughter to text her, “Call grandma; it’s her birthday,” thus implying that said daughter would have forgotten said grandma’s birthday without the text? And if you the mother did not get a response to the original text, do you think it is extra-double insulting to text the daughter again later in the day to say, “Just checking in to make sure that you called grandma on her birthday.” Assume said grandma does not have a Facebook page. Does the mother in this hypothetical question owe the daughter an apology for trying to micromanage the daughter’s life and for assuming that the daughter is a heartless cretin who would not call her own grandmother on the grandmother’s birthday? All thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you.

I think a sweet D would thank you for the reminder and let you know that she did contact her beloved relative on her bday. If no such response was received, I can see why a follow up text would be sent.

@nottelling Well, DID she call? :wink:

My answer is no. If she had simply replied to the original text it would have ended the exchange then and there. I’m on Team Mom on this, but I’m just a teensy weensy bit biased towards the moms.

End of semester stress maybe and an overreaction?

You’re good, NT.
She could have texted back, “I already did!”

They aren’t finished growing. That’s probably all it is.

Thanks, guys. She’s definitely stressed right now and looking for an excuse to be annoyed. Normally she’s a sweetie pie. The funny thing is that just a few years ago – literally two, before my grandmother died! – I would have been the daughter in the story totally annoyed by my overbearing mother. But she (the grandma in the original story) really is overbearing!! (Hence my anxiety over the possible missed call). I’m just thoughtful. :wink:

My DD1 remembers everyone’s birthdays so there is no need to remind her, but she puts up with the group text to her and her sibs reminding them of upcoming birthdays. I usually sent the texts as I am sending the cards, so a few days before the big day. It’s on them what they do with the reminder.

DH has to remind S2 of my birthday, Mother’s Day, etc. Then I get a call from him, to which I say, “Oh, hi! How are you? Why are you calling?” (Like I don’t know.) And he grumpily replies, “Umm, 'cause it’s your birthday.” And I’m supposed to be delighted with this?? Well, I guess it’s better than his not calling at all.

@nottelling I’m the social coordinator of the family, so one of my roles is to tell people when stuff is happening and to make stuff happen, so in my family nobody would bat an eyelash if I sent them a reminder like that. If that’s your role in the family as well, I’d say it’s totally within reason to shoot your kid a text giving them a heads up, ESPECIALLY since they’re so busy with school that social stuff can slip their minds.

So I’d say she did forget, was annoyed that she forgot, and you are ok to take it out on because that’s a role that we moms tend to take on, as well :wink:

If she’s sensitive about it you can change your tone a bit next time. “Hi kid, just a reminder that today’s Grandma’s birthday. Let her know how much you love her!” or “…give her a call so she doesn’t take it out on me, lol.” or something like that.

H didn’t like it when he got a text from his sister “Did you forget Mom and Dad’s anniversary?” - putting all sorts of negative things into what could be a cheerful and unjudgey reminder.

In the course of a regular call or email, I just say, "I’m calling X to wish happy (whatever event) and hope they get the message. If necessary, I fib and say “last year I forgot and felt so bad”

Janet Jackson is pregnant. She is 49, turning 50 later this month. Could you imagine going through pregnancy at that age? I wish her the best and lots of sleep.

^^I can’t even.

Nope!!! Noooo!!! It is not the pregnancy, it is the aftermath that is scary. :wink:

On the other hand, maybe yes, if the kids ever need a surrogate womb. Hope not!!!

I got pregnant with S2 when I was 40. My “joke” has been that being pregnant at 40 wasn’t so bad, but running after a toddler with a poopy diaper when I was 42 was awful. :))

Here’s a random question:

How will we survive the next six months (until November) without making any political references/jokes/comments?

Maybe CC can be our Happy Place where we don’t have to think about it.

Well that is the test - chasing after a toddler, for years!

I don’t know about this election cycle. I used to think it was really interesting. All these outsiders, all these bad choices, what an interesting convention it should be, etc. Now I just want it to be over!

And please please please let there be no voting shenanigans to drag out the agony even longer.

We need questions about other things - hmmm, does anyone know about drug efficancy? Is that the word - when they work for you?

Anyway, I confessed to my neurologist’s nurse that I was not exactly, cough, not exactly, compliant with my MS drugs (mainly because they have to be injected) and she said something like, “well, the research shows that they are effective for a dosage of 3x/week”. Implying that they would do nothing for a dosage of 2x/week.

@greenwitch, that should be an incentive for you to use them 3X a week. How much worse could 3X be than 2X? (I know, 50% worse. But consider the upside.)