Random Questions

Don’t come to my house. :dog:


Or mine.

(I just ordered a ton of Clorox wipes and Lysol to deal with my 2 dogs and puppy. :woman_facepalming:t3: Overnight crate blowouts are not cool. Sigh.)

My mother had to send lunch from a local restaurant everyday do her father. She made sure it was enough for lunch and dinner. This was my idea as a way to get Grandpa to eat. After just 2 months he decided to pay for it himself. He really loved the fact that a person was delivering it and chatting with him. Perhaps a local cafe has a daily special and would do this? G’pa was in a small town and this was one of two cafes. Otherwise, a local grocery could send eggs and bacon and such at your (initial) expense. Teach him how to make bacon in the microwave.


Also, if his doctor decrees that he needs a protein drink for medical reasons then some plans will cover the cost.


Has anyone with an iPhone had this situation??? (this is happening to my son, not me)

He was out of town this weekend and his iPhone died. Just out of the blue, black screen. Went to a Verizon store the next morning and picked a phone up. Drove back home and tried to activate the phone but the process is that Apple sends a code to your old phone to activate the new phone. But his old phone doesn’t turn on! So he had to go through an “authentication” process…to get a code to be sent to his wife’s phone…and this could take at least 24 hours…

So he is without a phone - and is just hoping that this code finally shows up. Seems like a terrible process! People must have phones often that can’t receive a code. Lost phones, phones dropped in lakes, DOA phones…

Anyone experience this - and can you give hope that the code will come - and work?!!

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This happened to me with my last phone. It shorted out and stopped working entirely. I couldn’t transfer anything from the cloud because it wanted to send the code to the old phone. I was at the Apple store for over 2 hours (maybe even closer to 3). In the end the Apple rep and I had to call customer support off site for them to add my H’s cell phone to verify but the code came through right away. Total PIA but it did work.

If the phone is bad, wouldn’t the text still show up on a linked iPad?

I don’t have an iPad and my Mac was at at home, not with me the Apple store but yes, I think if the devices were linked that should work.

No linked iPad or Mac or iPhone for him! Already thought of that. :slight_smile:

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If he is an ice cream or pudding fan, stocking the fridge and house with such things might be appealing. As it sounds like a calorie deficit, higher calorie ice cream would help the process. Puddings can be stable or better quality ones can be bought in the diary case. Or made, and extra eggs or protein powder can be useful.


Different topic

Anyone know how to get rid of a dying skunk without having it spray?

I was supposed to be outside mowing our front lawn right now, but literally right next to the fence, on our neighbor’s side, there’s a skunk dying. It might be rabid. It might have been hit by a car, though there’s no visual injury from just looking at it, but it is next to their long driveway. It’s still breathing and it can sort of lift its head a little bit.

H isn’t here - I called him and he doesn’t know. Our neighbors aren’t around. Another neighbor doesn’t know. So far we’ve opted to just stay away, keeping our critters indoors, and hope it will die soon - then take it far away and bury it.

BUT, I hate to see anything die a long, drawn out death. If I were to shoot it, can I guarantee it won’t spray by some sort of instinct - esp if it doesn’t die immediately?

It’s within 20 feet of our house. I really don’t want to have to live with skunk smell for a few days. Right now you can only smell it when you get within 4 feet or so.

Google seems to have answered my question - yes, most skunks will spray if shot, so I guess the poor critter is just going to have to suffer until death comes. I feel for it. I just went out to check and it’s still there breathing. It seems to have turned about 90 degrees, but otherwise hasn’t moved from its spot.

This would not have been on my Bingo card for things I might have to deal with today - or any day. Life always tosses out surprises I guess.

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I assume you don’t have Animal Control to call. We have a lot of skunks and we used to have a dog who loved to hunt them. Half dead skunks are no fun.

We might, but honestly, if it’s rabid we don’t want to know or deal with all sorts of quarantines. We’d rather just kill and bury (as PA legally allows - suggests even - if no human or animal contact is suspected). We tell all of our neighbors so they’re aware of the possibility, but none of us are naive enough to think it’s not around here. Seems once or twice every year a suspected case in a wild critter shows up.

We had a black lab who was an expert skunk killer - and he never once got sprayed himself. We’re still not sure how he managed it. We’d just see him coming to us with another in his mouth, so proud of himself!

ETA Animal control might also just kill it here and not care if we have to deal with skunk smell for days…

No advice here; just condolences. Please report back.

Yes, my son’s iPhone just randomly died. I took him to Verizon to get a new phone and they had to go through some process and send a code to my iPhone. It was done within 15 minutes.

As it got dark tonight the skunk was still alive (poor thing). It can turn its body around and slightly raise its head, but not shake off flies other than a little twitching. I’m now suspecting it might have broken its back, perhaps as a truck or car went down the driveway, because it’s moving more now than when I first found it - perhaps a little recovery going on. There’s still no visible blood, so I’m just guessing, but I’ve never seen a rabid animal improve, only deteriorate.

I hope it’s dead by morning. Nature can be pretty cruel. If it were anything other than a skunk, I’d have put it out of its misery before my first post on here. (Of course a pet would have gone to the vet, but not wild animals.)

Even with it being a skunk, if it were further from our house (and not near someone else’s house), I’d have put it out of its misery too - just from a distance and upwind.

Has anybody done in-person committee meeting with attendee(s) also joining in remotely?

If so, do you recommend Zoom? Facetime? cellphone audio only? Other?

Have participated in multiple hybrid meetings where sone folks are love and others remote. Mostly folks have used zoom but other formats work ok too.

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