Random Questions

It gets marked as spam and from then on the email should end up in your spam box.


Not sure about AOL specifically, but I think most email providers automatically delete anything in the spam folder that’s older than 30 days.

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Marking a message as spam helps train the spam filters to do a better job at filtering it into the spam folder, so it’s worth doing it.


Hoping this counts as a random question. My D and SIL are driving cross country with their dog and will be stopping at our home for an overnight. Our dogs love them - but our older dog isn’t a big fan of other dogs. I’m not sure what the best way to introduce them is. Anyone with any experience or recommendations?

I’m no dog trainer but when we have had “visiting dogs” we often will meet them outside in the yard first. More space, fresh air. Give them some time to check each other out or to see that you trust the owners bringing the dog - all before going inside!

Our rescue can still be skittish and this seems to help him get used to/acquainted with both the dog and the humans!


We did something similar many years ago. Introduce the dogs in neutral territory, like a park or around the street corner. Not in your home or yard. Then once the dogs get friendly with each other you can lead them back home.

But there are no guarantees - they may not get along, or may get along outside but not back at home. Then you just have to keep them separated.


Since the stay is going to be so brief, I am almost thinking it would be better to just keep older grumpy dog separate. Outdoor away from home introduction it shall be!

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My dog doesn’t love other dogs either. He’d be OK with them in the yard (if he was unleashed) but I don’t think he’d manage well with another dog in the house. Personally I would keep them separated if they are just for an overnight.

And I’d keep my dog’s routine as close to normal as possible and have the visiting dog be the one more isolated.


I agree that introducing them outdoors in neutral area is best. If stay is going to be short don’t stress if they just have to be kept separate for the duration.

Thanks for all of the suggestions, everyone. D and I chatted last night about introductions and we are both on the same page. I will report back.

I’m using an ipad and Safari to access CC - all of a sudden this morning the page is reformatted. The text is going almost all the way to the right now, such that the little bar on the right that shows the number of posts and allows you to scroll up and down, top to bottom, is now gone. Is this just me, or anyone else seeing this?

That happened to me two days ago. I logged out and logged back in and then it was back to normal.

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My iPhone 12 has done this twice now. A couple weeks ago DH tried calling and it didn’t ring or vibrate. Didn’t come through on my FitBit either. Just shows visually on the screen but when in my pocket I couldn’t tell. Checked sound settings, DND, mute switch, Focus, etc. and all okay. Restarted phone and it worked again.

Today it did it again. Tried calling from my work phone and it didn’t ring either (so it’s not just DH). Turned off and on and it works. Which is good, but I would like to prevent and not just fix after discovery…wondered if anyone else has encountered this. The online articles just say to check all of the above and to restart.

MyiPhone, lately, tells me I have no service when I leave home. There are a couple of poor service areas, so I assumed it was just where I was, until I got on the freeway and went to town areas. I now, often, have to turn my phone off & on again when leaving home, even going airplane mode on & off doesn’t fix it.

I am happy to report the dog interactions went very smoothly. I walked grumpy old dog down to a park close to our house where we met D and SIL. Sabadog was thrilled to see them and seemed to accept their dog was now part of the family. We walked home, Sabapup came outside and met new dog and was thrilled to have a buddy. Only a few grumbles the entire weekend from Sabadog when she thought the “kids” were getting too rowdy.


Has anyone here ever had a root canal? There is a probability that I will need one and would like to know what to expect. Is it really an awful experience?

Just for context, I usually require nitrous even for cleanings because my dental anxiety is so high-I have really sensitive teeth and even cleanings feel like torture to me.

No advice for you @Nrdsb4 and I hope you get some advice here, surely others have been in your situation!

A not as important random questions…
What do the different colors of heart emoji’s mean? Is there a specific reference for each color? :heart: :hearts: :black_heart: :heartpulse: :brown_heart: :blue_heart: :green_heart: :purple_heart: :white_heart: :orange_heart:

When people choose them are they choosing a specific color for a specific reason??

I too suffer from terrible dental anxiety thanks to childhood trauma at the dentist’s. I have had a root canal and then I had a second procedure on the same tooth - right in my front teeth, many years ago. I will spare you the gory details on the second procedure, but they warned me it would feel like my tooth was loose and going to fall out, but it wouldn’t - and it didn’t. The root canal was not terrible and was in fact one of the more tolerable dental procedures I’ve had. I think the key is having your endodontist explain exactly what they’re going to do and what to expect.


I believe I was “knocked out” for the one root canal I had. I think I had to pay extra for that. It was probably 15 years ago. But I have had 3 crown procedures in the last 8 months, and the shots they give now don’t hurt as much as I remember and the procedure wasn’t terrible,


I’ve had two root canals, both times I was not in pain previous to the procedure.

What my dentist told me was that if you are not in pain, the root canal will be painless, and they were. If you ARE in pain, then there will be pain with the root canal, but the procedure will eliminate it.

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